
时间:2023-03-16 10:29:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Foreign Exchange Rate (汇率)



The exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another.A currency exchange rate is aways quoted for a currency pair using ISO(International Standardization of Organization)code abbreviation.( 汇率总是使用国际标准组织的货币配对报价。) For example, EUR/USD refers to the two currencies Euro(the European currency) and U.S. dollar. ( 例如, 欧元/美元是指欧元.) The first is refered to as the base currency,while the second as the quote currency.(1种货币是指基准货币、单位货币 ,而第2种货币是指报价货币、计价货币。)The EUR/USD exchange rate specifies how many U.S. dollars you have to pay to buy one Euro, or conversely how many U.S. dollars you obtain when you sel l one Euro. (欧元/元的汇率确定你(可以是银行或外汇经纪商)1单位欧元必须支付多少美元,或者相反,当你(可以是银行或外汇经纪商)卖1单位欧元,你能得到多少美元。More generally, if buying, an exchange rate specifies how much you have to pay to buy in the quote currency to obtain one unit of the base currency, and if


selling, the exchange rate specifies how much you get in the quote currency when selling one unit of the base currency.(更一般来说,如果买外汇,汇率确定你(可以是银行或外汇经纪商)得到1单位货币必须支付多少报价货币;如果卖外汇,当卖1单位货币时,(可以是银行或外汇经纪商)得到多少报价货币。

