
时间:2023-04-19 14:09:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


(一)情态动词表推测的三种句式 (can不肯, may 不问 must 肯定不否问) 1.在肯定句中一般用must (一定)may(可能)might (也许,或许) 1The photo must be Lus, those must be their parents. 2The policeman may know the way to that school. 3The notebook may belong to Jim, its on his desk. 4If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.

2.否定句中用can’t / couldn’t(不可能), may not/might not(可能不) 1It can’t/couldn’t be the headmaster. He has gone to America. 这不可能是校长,他去美国了。

2The doctor may not/might not be in the hospital now, Its nearly six oclock. 3.疑问句中用can/could (能……?) 1Could he have finished the task? 他可能把任务完成了吗? 2Can he be at home now? 他现在能在家吗?

注:以上三种句式中情态动词的语气按程度都是依次递减的。might, could并非may, can过去式,而表示语气较为委婉或可能性较小。 (二)情态动词表推测的三种时态

1.对现在正在进行的动作推测时,用“情态动词 + be +doing

例:He must / may / might / could be listening to the radio now. 他一定/可能/也许正在听收音机。

2.对一般情况的推测,“情态动词 + 动词原形”

1He can’t ( couldn’t ) / may ( might ) not be at home at this time. 这个时候他不可能/可能不在家。

2Mr. Bush is on time for everythinghe cant (couldn’t) be late for the meeting布什先生一向准时,这次会议他不可能迟到。

3.对过去情况的推测,用“情态动词 + have +过去分词”

1It must / may / might / could have rained last night .The ground is wet. 地湿了,昨晚肯定/可能/也许下雨了。

2The door was locked. He can ( could ) not / may ( might ) not have been at home . 门锁着,他不可能/可能不在家。 3Can / Could he have gotten the book 难道他找到书了吗?

1. Look! The light is out in her room. She ———— to bed already. A. must go B. had to go C.must have gone D.has gone

2. We had a wonderful time yesterday. You ———— .Why didn't you come?

A. had to come B.should have come C.might have come D.must have come 3. ─There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. ─ It______ a comfortable journey.

A. can't be B. shouldn't be C. mustn't have been D. couldn't have been 4. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ___ your lecture. A. couldn't have attended B. needn't have attended C. mustn't have attended D. shouldn't have attended



5. I was really anxious about you. You _____ home without a word. A. mustn't leave B. Shouldn't have left C. Couldn't have left D. needn't leave

6. Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach,I_____ so much fried chicken just now. A. shouldn’t cut B. mustn’t have eaten C. shouldn’t have eaten D. mustn’t eat

7. Mr.White _____ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didn’t’ show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving

8. You ______ be tired - you've only been working for an hour. A. must not B. won' t C. can' t D. may not 9. - Isn' t that Ann's husband over there?

- No, it _______ be him -I'm sure he doesn't wear glasses.

A. can't B. must not C. won't D. may not

10. There ____ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school. A . mustn’t B. shan’t C. shouldn’t D.needn’t 11. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They ______ at lease 150 km an hour.

A. should have been doing B. must have been doing C. could have done D. would have done

12. He _____ have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.

A. should B. must C. wouldn’t D. can’t

13. ---- The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.---- Oh, dear! She _______ a lot of difficulties! A. may go through B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through

14. This cake is very sweet. You __________ a lot of sugar in it.

Ashould put Bcould have put Cmight put Dmust have put

15. Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. Thanks. You it. I could manage it myself.

Aneedn’t do Bneedn’t have done Cmustn’t do Dshouldn’t have done

16.Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?

