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热心,意思是热心肠,热忱,有热情,多用来表示一个人的心态。那么你知道热心用英语怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起学习关于热心的英语知识吧。 热心的英语说法

enthusiastic ardent warmhearted 热心的相关短语

make earnest efforts to pass on one's skill; 热心传授技术

enthusiastic about promoting; 热心提倡

eager to promote science; 热心科学

warmheartedly serve the customers; 热心为顾客服务 热心的英语例句

1. A former associate of Mr. Pierce's was among the project's boosters.

皮尔斯先生的一个前合伙人是这个计划的热心支持者之一。 2. The British government is heartened that Germany shares its enthusiasm.


3. The royals have always been patrons of charities pulling in large donations.


4. His kindliness and warmth made him particularly effective with staff welfare.


5. She is warm-hearted and kind to everyone and everything. 她对每个人每件事都很热心、宽厚。

6. He gave his name and then helpfully spelt it. 他说出自己的名字,然后又热心地将它拼了出来。

7. But Jules was not eager for classroom learning, he hungered for adventure.


8. Sir Anthony was a keen fundraiser for the Liberal Democrats.

安东尼爵士是自由民主党热心的资金筹集者。 9. You're all very keen. 你们都很热心。

10. Some ardent supporters were urging him to stand. 一些热心支持者正在力劝他参选。

11. I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea. 我可不像你那样,对这个想法那样热心。 12. John was very keen to help. 约翰很热心,愿意帮忙。

13. That was very public-spirited of you. 你那样做真是热心公益啊!

14. He spoke with unwonted enthusiasm. 他讲话显得出人意料地热心。

15. The engineer was an eager participant in technical co - operation.


关于热心的幽默故事:Police hospitality 警察的热心

I was surprised to learn that my 72-year-old mother dared to drive 900 miles in a 12-year-old car to visit me.When asked how she made outshe told me just fine...until her second night. She
