如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 攻克专四介词搭配 1 A magnet(磁铁) has attraction____iron filaments.(铁丝) 2 I’m not in the mood__going to the party. 3 He's got a degree____chemistry. 4 A clerk must have patience____all customers. 5 There's no point__going by car if we can't park near the theatre. 1-5答案 1 for 2 for(in mood for有.....的心情) 3 in 4 with(have patience with) 5 in 6 She made a point____(故意)coming late so that everyone would look at her. 7 He takes pride_______doing things properly. 8 Your team has no hope___winning. 9 I've had enough___this weather 10 Julia shows great talent_acting 答案: 6 of 7 in 8 of 9 of 10 for(talent for有......能力) 11 Pop music has a very bad effect_____children. 12 I don't like the idea______getting married yet. 13 Her marriage___Smith didn't last very long 14 Nobody knew the reason_____his disappearance. 15There's some confusion_____whether the word can be left out. 答案: 11 on 12 of 13 to 14 for 15 about 16 By midnight the effect_the drops(药水) wil have worn off. 17 A key ________the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door. 18 Pete thought a special license would give him immunity ________ arrest 19 There'slimit_____every man's patience. 20 Since Harry is ill,we need a substitute___him. 答案: 16 of 17 to 18 from 19 to 20 for 21The Hawkinses bought a horse__$15,000. 22 English has a different expression___the same idea. 23 The Japanese moutain climber had a narrow escape_____death(死里逃1页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 生). 24 His familiarity_____many modern languages surprised all of us. 25 While some species of whales are nearing extinction,many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban(部分禁止)____whale hunting. 答案: 21 for 22 for 23 from 24 with 25 on 26 Vitamin C tablets,if taken regularly.may reduce your chances_______getting old. 27 Some people feel a repugnance(厌恶)__________his suggestion 28 The Jacksons sent an invitation____next Friday. 29 That is an exception__the rule. 30 He has made many accusations,but he has never given any proof_____the truth of what he has said. 答案: 26 of27 to 28 for29 to30 of 31Joe takes great satisfaction____having a beautiful garden. 32Parents sometimes feel that they have no influence_____their children. 33I had the privilege________attending a meeting on juventle delinquency(少年犯罪) not long ago. 34He felt sympathy__________her misfortune. 35My uncle is an expert___________electronics. 答案:31 in 32 on 33of 34 for 35 in 36They sought shelter_________the rain. 37There are both similarities and differences_____the tourist-attracing countries Italy and Greece. 38 A family must make provision______hard times 39 Good boys and girls are a credit___their parents 40 In many schools,students don’t have sufficient access___the library. 答案: 36from 37between 38 for 39 to (知识点:credict信任) 40 to 41What’s the punishment__________speeding(超速行驶)? 42We must use every means possible for the prevention_______fire. 2页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 43The English language has a close affinity(密切关系)___________French. 44The way you live is a disgrace______your family. 45She gave verbal expression__________her emotions 答案:41 for 42 of 43 to 44 to (disgrace耻辱)45to 46I have no liking____that man;in fact,I have taken a dislike________him. 47This leaves no stain__________his character,and no further prejudice________him. 48The key_____success is hard work. 49He has a reputation___________honesty. 50I hope you’ll show some forbearance______his inexperience。 答案: 46 for,to 47on against 48 to 49 for 50for(stain污染) 攻克专业英语四级 介词 二 1The card entitled them___certain privileges. 2The tides vary____the moon. 3She admitted him___her plans 4The word derives___Latin 5He asked the operator not to trouble herself________looking up the number. 答案:1 to 2 with 3 to(admit同意) 4 from 5 about 6Harry swore________the Bible he was telling the truth. 7He ruled__________the case very carefully. 3页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 8Everyone blames you_______a certain mistake. 9We have assigned you________a particular task. 10 The surgeon operated______him for appendicities(阑尾炎)。 答案:6 on 7over 8 for 9 to 10on 11Miss Coleman hinted___the idea that she was wealthy. 12The question admits_________several answers 13It’s rude to point__________someone. 14She joined______us in singing the song. 15The movie actor does not try to conceal himself________his admirers. 答案:11 at 12 of(翻译:包括很多种解决方法)与第3题目不要混淆 13 at 14 with /in 15 from(conceal 隐藏) 16 I disapprove_________people who make all sorts of promises which they have no intention of keeping. 17We are planning_____speaking to Mrs Li next week. 18I shall exempt them___________certain duties. 19 They will consult us_______the plan. 20 We can substitute garlic__________onion in that sauce. 答案: 4页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 16 of 17 on(plan on 想要做)18from(exempt form免除)19on 20for(substitute for替代 在介词词组中出现了两次) 21 She surrendered herself____despair 22 Some fool crashed_______me from behind at the traffic lights. 23 The Congress in the United States corresponds___the Parliament in England. 24 It was a long time before I could dissuade(劝阻)him _________his projected course. 25 Julia went_______the man in a fit of temper. 答案:21 to (3. (常后接oneself)听任,使沉溺于[(+to)] The mother surrendered herself to grief。那位母亲哀痛不已。————————节选自百度词条) 22 into(crash into撞) 23 to 24 from(劝某人不要做) 25 for 26At first they didn’t see___his deception. 27I won’t ever do it again.I swear.Please don’t tell___(告发)me 28Mrs Robert got________her sickness(康复)very quickly. 29The nurses must see_________the comfort of their patients. 30Mrs Jackons dotes________________her husband 答案:26 through 27 on 28over (get over 恢复)29to(see to 照看) 30on/upon 31He provided____her in his will. 32The man inculcated all his children_______the spirit of patriotism. 33Ralph broke himself______smoking 5页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 34He copared to the girl______a flower 35We arm ourselves______________possible danger. 答案:31 for(provide for赡养) 32 with(inculcate with让某人学习) 33of(break of 有分裂的意思) 34to 35against 36A greengrocer deals____vegetalbles. 37Civilisation consists________having a constructive attitude. 38Rising from the seat,he drank____the health of his parents 39 Theya were acquitted______blame for the mistake. 40 Cecil reckoned_____inheriting a few thousand when his uncle died 答案:36 in(deal in 买卖) 37 in(consist in 含有重要的决定) Civilisation文化 38 to(drink to 为..干杯) 39 of 40 on 41This water tastes___salt. 42His illness may result _______malnutrition 43Have you accounted_______all the breakages? 44It dawned____________me that I had been tricked. 45They have not yet entered________serious negotiation. 答案:41of(taste of 有…的味道,体验 感到) 42from(由于) malnutrition营养不良43 for (account for 解释) dawn 有意识到的意思44on45into 6页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 46Dick boasted_____________his success at billiards. 47Jobs were not so easy to come_________( 得到)as they are now 48Do you think this scarf would go_____(与….相匹配)my new dress? 49If you stand here,you are likely to be shot________ 50His thesis treats____________(论述)social changes between wars. 答案:46 of/about (boast of 自夸)47by 48with49at(shoot at 发现) 50of 1_____________highest tuition,Mr Black told the boy about the education loans that banks are offering. 2She never would have been able to make a success of the diningroom_________the kindness and assistance of the man. 3You’d better try writing to Jane _____the BBC.They’ll probably send the letter on to her. 4The bigh auditorium was oddly silent_____-a few scattered gigers. 5Why don’tyou stay home and watch TV__________going to the cinema? A propose of /but for/care of/except for/instead of 6She bought whatever caught her eye______the price. 7She was cheated______-$1000by the young man. 7页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 8He sent her some books______a dictionary. 9It is a good book_________the last chapter. 10____drink and______-fright he did not know much about the facts. Regardless of/out of/along with/save for/What with 11Harry achieved his aim___________sheer determine. 12__________of the shipwrek many families were in mourning. 13___________compositon,her letter does not seem defective. 14____________the order to finish the work,Joe went away leaving half of it undone. 15_________-sentence structure,legal sentences are,almost without exception,complex. By force of/In consequence of/In points of/In defiance of/In terms of 16They were made to promise__________never to enter the country again. 17It must be understood that this concession is made__________any future decisions of the committee. 8页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 18If he thought a thing was right,he should do it ______________consequent. Under pain of death/without prejudice to /without regard to 19The shipwrected sailors were___the wind and waves 20The boy was left_______his uncles 21_____-an accident,the police must be called at once. At the mercy of /in the care of/In the event of 22He declined the invitation_____a previous engagement. 23Incompetence_______a judge cannot but lead to miscarrage of judice. 24In the hall he found Roberts_____________departure. 25Such irresponsible conduct can only work___________our cause. 26On his return from the Pacific coast,John stopped in Colorado ___________some investment in silver mines. 27He is working hard now_______the future. 28__________David Coleman all in the room were smokinig 9页 如有你有帮助,请购买下载,谢谢! 20in the care of 2122on the ground(s)of 23on the part of24on the point of25to the prejudice of26with a view to27with an eye to28With the exception of 10页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e0f98b2cecf9aef8941ea76e58fafab069dc44a9.html