本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! Sichuan food 川菜是中国的著名四大菜系之一,是四川烹饪文化的结晶,具有清鲜醇浓、麻辣辛香,“一菜一格,百菜百味”的独特风味,在国际上享有“食在中国,味在四川”之美誉。 Sichuan food is one of the four famous food schools in Chinese cookery. It is a crystallization of Sichuan cookery characterized by having light and strong, hot and peppery flavor, and known as “One dish one taste; Hundred dishes hundred tastes.” It has been highly honored as one of the best tastes all over the world. 川菜源远流长,它发源于古代巴国和蜀国,历经了春秋至秦(公元前770-公元前206)的启蒙时期后,到西晋(265-317年)形成了初期的轮廓。隋唐五代(581-960年)川菜有了较大的发展。两宋时(960-1290年),川菜已跨越了巴蜀边界,进入京都,为世人所知。明末清初(1667-18世纪),川菜运用辣椒进行调味,不仅继承了巴蜀时就形成的“尚滋味”、“好辛香”的传统,而且进一步得到发展。晚清以后,逐步形成了一个地方风味极其浓郁的菜系。 Sichuan food has a long history which originated from ancient kingdoms of Ba and Shu. After undergoing the enlightenment period from 770 B.C. to 206 B.C., it formed its initial outline from 265 A.D. to 317 A.D. Greater development was made during 581 A.D. to 960 A.D. In 960 A.D.-1279 A.D., Sichuan food crossed the border of Ba and Shu and was introduced to the national capital, thus became known to everybody. During the period from 1667 to 18th century Sichuan food began to be flavored with hot pepper and thus had not only inherited the traditional style formed during the Ba and Shu period as “being particular about the refined tastes, fragrant and pungent flavor”, but also made further developments. After the late period of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) it gradually formed a food school rich in its own typical local flavors. 四川地处内陆,气候温和,四季常青,蔬果葱笼,粮畜丰盛,山有珍奇,水泽鱼肥,自古被誉为“天府之国”。川菜的独特风味是在四川盆地得天独厚的水土中,在历代厨师和文人、美食家的辛勤耕耘下逐步发展起来的。它以川西平原的成都市、和川中南的自贡市的美味佳肴为代表,在漫长的共同发展过程中形成了清鲜醇浓相宜、麻辣风味独特、菜式逐臻完整、筵席组合完美的独特菜系。具有:调味多样、烹饪独特、取材广泛、菜式纷呈、适宜性强等显著特长。 Sichuan, an inland province, with temperate climate, evergreen seasons, fresh vegetables and fruits, abundant grains and livestock, rare birds and animals, rich waters and fat fishes, has been reputed as “Land of Abundance” since ancient times. Under the hard cultivation of chefs, scholars and gourmets since ancient times, the unique flavor of Sichuan food has been gradually developed in Sichuan basin, a piece of land richly endowed by nature. It’s represented by delicacies from Chengdu, and Zigong each in the west, and middle south of Sichuan respectively. During the long and common development, it has formed a unique food school featuring complementarily light and strong, hot and peppery flavor, gradual accomplishment in dish style and more perfect combination at banquets. It’s remarkably characterized by its diversity in the use of seasonings, its unique culinary skills, its great variety of cooking ingredients, its changes in styles, and its adaptability to all tastes. Mandarin Diced Chicken 宫宝鸡丁是带有传奇色彩的菜肴。据说清末四川总督丁宝桢喜吃此菜,而丁在山东任巡抚时,官加太子少保,人称丁宫宝,因此得名。此菜是选用公鸡脯肉或腿肉,拍松后切成方丁,吃味着芡;锅炙后置旺火上,下油烧热,投干辣椒节、整花椒粒炸成红褐色,即下鸡丁翻炒粒散,放姜片、蒜片、红辣椒面炒香上色,烹入滋汁,迅速翻簸加酥花生仁炒匀,起锅装盘上桌。成菜具有色泽棕红,辣香酸甜,滑嫩酥脆的特点。 This delicacy is connected with an interesting anecdote in the late Qing Dynasty. It was said that a mandarin named Ding Baozhen, once the Governor of Sichuan, liked this dish very much and hence the name. Cut the chicken breast or thigh into small cubes, add salt and starch with water. Heat the oil in a wok to smoking point, then fry the chili and peppercorns till colored. Put chicken cubes and stir-fry till scattered. Drop ginger, garlic and chili powder and stir-fry. Pour sauce mixture of soy sauce, vinegar and sugar and stir-fry until coated. Add crisp peanuts and quickly fry before serving. Shredded Pork with Special Sauce 鱼香肉丝为川菜的代表采之一。此菜源于四川民间独具特色的烹鱼调味方法,所用原料离不了姜、葱、本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! 蒜、泡红辣椒、盐、糖、醋、酱油。成菜因具有鱼肴之鲜香而得名。其特点为咸甜酸辣兼备,姜葱蒜香气浓。此菜选用猪瘦肉切粗丝,吃味着芡,入油锅炒散籽,速投入姜、蒜来略炒,继下泡红辣椒(剁细)炒香出色,烹入糖醋滋汁,即放葱花,迅速颠匀,起锅装盘上桌。 This typical Sichuan dish is always cooked with ginger, garlic, scallions, pickled pepper (usually chopped), salt, sugar, vinegar, and soy sauce. It is a little bit sweet, savory and sour bursting with strong fragrance of scallions and garlic. Slice the pork and cut into thick shreds, coat with soy sauce and starch mixed with water. Add oil in a wok and heat until it begins to smoke. Add pork shreds and stir-fry until scattered. Add the seasonings and stir-fry till fragrant and colored. Pour sugar and vinegar sauce. Sprinkle scallions on and quickly toss the sauce before serving. Peppery Hot Beancurd 麻婆豆腐为川菜的名菜之一,享誉中外。此菜具有色泽红亮,豆腐鲜嫩,肉绍酥香,麻辣滚烫的特点。选用石膏豆腐切成方丁,入沸水锅内汆去涩味;牛肉剁成末;锅内放菜油烧热后,下牛肉末炒香后,加盐、郫县豆瓣、红辣椒面、永川豆豉末,再炒香出色后即掺入适量鲜汤,调成味汁,放入豆腐,用小火煮片刻,移中火放入青蒜节,勾芡收汁。待汁浓亮油时起锅盛碗内,撒入花椒面即成。 This dish has got its fame at home and abroad. Cut the beancurd into small cubes, quick-boil in boiling water to rid puckery taste. Very finely mince the beef. Heat the oil in a wok, fry the minced beef till fragrant. Add salt, Chinese chili bean sauce, chilies, Chinese fermented black beans, and fry together till colored. Pour fresh stock in, mix well and slide the beancurd. Simmer for a while and move the wok over moderate flame. Add pieces of garlic bolts, thicken by putting in starch liquid. For extra flavor, sprinkle on a little crushed Sichuan pepper just before serving. Hearts of Chinese Cabbage in Chicken Concomme 开水白菜是川菜名菜之一。它是用鲜嫩的黄秧白菜心或四川特产的瓢儿白菜心,经过修整、汆烫、吃味后,再放进特制的高级清汤内蒸制而成。具有菜质鲜嫩、色泽素雅、汤汁清澈、味美爽口的特点。由于汤清如水,透明见底,故名开水白菜。 川菜以清鲜味醇为主。此菜是川菜典型的清鲜汤菜,它是用在高级筵席的开胃菜,有醒酒开胃的功能;而且营养丰富,含有各种维生素、蛋白质、谷氨酸等营养成分,可称为席上的珍品。 It is one of the famous Sichuan dishes. Remove the outer leaves of Chinese cabbage, retain the hearts only and wash thoroughly. Scald in boiling water for a few seconds. Put them into a superior light chicken soup and steam before serving. This dish, with a refreshing taste, is fresh, tender, and light-colored. Its soup is transparently clear. It is usually served at luxurious banquets for stimulating the appetite and dispelling the effect of alcohol. It contains various vitamins, protein and glutamic acid. English Food The two features of life in England that possibly give visitors their worst impressions are the English weather and English cooking. The former is something that nobody can do anything about but cooking is something that can be learned. English food has often been described as tasteless. Although this criticism has been more than justified in the past, and in many instances still is, the situation is changing somewhat. One of the reasons that English cooking is improving is that so many people have been spending their holidays abroad and have learned to appreciate unfamiliar dishes. However, there are still many British people who are so unadventurous when they visit other countries that they will condemn everywhere that does not provide them with tea and either fish and chips or sausage, baked beans and chips or overdone steak and chips. One of the traditional grouses about English food is the way that vegetables are cooked. Firstly the only way that many British housewives know to cook green vegetables is to boil them for far too long in too much salt water and then to throw the water away so that all the vitamins are lost. To make matter worse, they do not strain the vegetables sufficiently so that they appear as a soggy wet mass on the plate. It would be unfair to say that all English food is bad. Indeed the raw ingredients are usually of very high quality, especially the meat and fish. Moreover, many traditional British dishes are as good as anything you can get anywhere. Nearly everybody knows about roast beef and Yorkshire pudding but this is by no means the only dish that is cooked well. A visitor if invited to an English home might well enjoy steak and kidney pudding or pie, 本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! saddle of mutton with redcurrant(红浆果) jelly, all sorts of smoked fish, especially kippers(鲱鱼干), boiled salt beef and carrots, to mention but a few. A strange thing about England that the visitor may notice is that most of the good restaurants in England are run and staffed by foreigners---for example there is a large number of Chinese, Indian and Italian restaurants and to a lesser extent French and Spanish ones. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e16ab81ca48da0116c175f0e7cd184254a351b5a.html