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The greedy words corrupt the gentleman, and the cold arrow shoots the hero to death.整合汇编 简单易用(页




Imagine, if you will, a gift. Id like for you to picture in your mind. Its not too big. About the size of a golf ball. So in vision what it looks like all wrapped up. But before I show you whats inside, I will tell you thats going to do incredible things for you. It will bring all of your family together. You will feel loved and appreciated like never before. And reconnect to friends and acquaintances you havent heard from in years.

Adoration(崇拜,崇敬) and admiration(赞美) will overwhelm you. It will recalibrate whats important in your life. It will redefine your sense of spirituality and faith. Youll have a new understanding and trust in your body. Youll have unsurpassed vitality(生命力,活力) and energy. Youll expand your vocabulary, meet new people, and youll have a healthier lifestyle. And get this, youll have an eight-week vacation of doing absolutely nothing. Youll eat countless gourmet(讲究吃的人,食物品尝家) meals.

Flowers will arrive by the truck load. People will say to you:you look great! have you had any work doneand youll have a life-time supply of good drugs. Youll be challenged, inspired, motivated and humbled. Your life will have new meaning: peace, health, serenity(平静,从容), happiness, nirvana(涅磐). The priceFifty-five thousand dollars. And thats an incredible deal. By now, I know youre dying to know what it is and where you can get one. Dose Amazon carry itDose it have the apple logo on itIs there a waiting listNot likely. This gift came to me about five months ago. And looked more like this when it

was all wrapped up. Not quite so pretty. And this. And then this. It was a rare jam brain tumor. Hemangioblastoma. The gift that keeps on giving. And while Im ok now. I wouldnt wish this gift for you. Im not sure youd want it. But I wouldt change my experience. It profoundly altered my life in ways it didnt expect. In all the ways I just shared with you. So the next time you are faced with something thats unexpected, unwanted and uncertain. Consider. that it just may be a gift.
