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[ju:st] [ju:st]


形容词 用过的; 习惯于; 二手的; 旧的

动词 使用( use的过去式和过去分词); 常常,经常 相关例句 形容词

1. My brother bought a used car. 我弟弟买了一部旧车。

2. The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.

太空人很快就习惯了失重状态。 3. I am used to walking to school. 我习惯走路上学。 used的词典解释

1. 过去常常;过去曾

If something used to be done or used to be the case, it was done regularly in the past or was the case in the past.

e.g. People used to come and visit him every day... 人们过去每天都来拜访他。

e.g. He used to be one of the professors at the School of Education...


2. 过去不曾(亦作did not use to did not used to,尤用于口)

If something used not to be done or used not to be the case, it was not done in the past or was not the case in the past. The forms did not use to and did not used to are also found, especially in spoken English.

e.g. Borrowing used not to be recommended... 过去是不建议借贷的。

e.g. At some point kids start doing things they didn't use to do. They get more independent...


3. 习惯于

If you are used to something, you are familiar with it because you have done it or experienced it many times before.

e.g. I'm used to having my sleep interrupted... 我习惯了睡觉时被吵醒。

e.g. It doesn't frighten them. They're used to it. 这可吓不倒他们。他们已经习惯了。 4. 开始习惯于

If you get used to something or someone, you become familiar with it or get to know them, so that you no longer feel that the thing or person is unusual or surprising.

e.g. This is how we do things here. You'll soon get used to it... 我们这里就是这么做事的。你很快就会习惯的。 e.g. He took some getting used to... 他过了一段时间才慢慢适应。 used的情景对话


AMary, this is Joe's brother David.
