
时间:2022-03-21 01:22:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


He who goes down the river knows his depth and tastes his pear knows his sour and sweet. 2、一个实际行动,胜过一打纲领。

A practical action is better than a dozen platforms. 3、宁可在尝试中失败,也不在保守中成功!

Better fail in the attempt than succeed in the conservatism! 4、别把今天的彩虹,放在明天的天空。

Don't put today's rainbow in tomorrow's sky. 5、眼看千遍,不如手过一遍。

It's better to watch it a thousand times than to pass it by hand.


What is hopeless, if you try boldly, you will always succeed. 7、纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。

The paper is always shallow, and I know nothing about it. 8、没有实践就没有发言权。 No practice, no voice.

9、如果不开始行动,我们就无法知道结果。 If we don't start, we won't know the result. 10、失败固然痛苦,但更糟糕的是从未去尝试。

Failure is painful, but what's worse is never trying. 11、路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。

Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world.


No pine grows in the flowerpot, no eagle flies in the cage.
