在校就读学生证明 xx(姓名),x(性别),xx(民族),xxxx年xx月xx日出生,学号:xxxxxxx。该生xxxx年参加全国统招由xxx(省份)考入我校学习,学历x(本、预)科,学制x年,xxxx年xx月入学。现为我校xx学院xxx专业xxxx级在读学生。 该生身份证号为:xxxxxxxxx。 特此证明。 **大学学生处 xxxx年xx月xx日 Certification To whom this may concern, This is to certify that xxx, x(Female、Male), born on xxx(月份英文)x(日子英文), (年份数字), with Student ID: xxxxx is currently at xx(学院英文)of Minzu University of China in Beijing as a xxxx(freshman,sophomore,junior,senior),majoring in (专业英文). Having passed the National College Entrance Examination from xxxx (省份英文) in xxxx(年份数字), x(he,she) has enrolled as a full-time student in the x(数字英文)-year undergraduate program since (月份英文) (年份数字). The student’s Citizen ID is No.xxxxxxxxx Minzu University of China guarantees the student’s information above to be true. Student Affairs Department Minzu University of China xxx(月份英文)x(日子英文)(,年份数字) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e36d30e64973f242336c1eb91a37f111f1850d8f.html