
时间:2023-01-31 14:31:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Thought is an eternal beauty.

No matter how the times change, thought is still the most beautiful thing. It can light up the darkness of the world, bring hope to the desperate, and bring warmth to the cold.

Thought is the source of progress. It is thought that has created countless inventions, made countless scientific discoveries, and made countless great achievements.

Thought is the foundation of morality. It is thought that has created a social morality, making human society more harmonious and beautiful.

Thought is the source of beauty. It is thought that has created countless works of art, making the world more colorful and beautiful.

Thought is an eternal beauty. No matter how the times change, thought will never be outdated. Let us use our thoughts to light up the world, make the world more beautiful and make ourselves more beautiful.
