来自美国英语怎么写 你知道来自美国的英文怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。 来自美国的英文释义: from the USA come from America from America From United States 来自美国的英文例句: 他们中间的九个来自美国。 Nine of them are from America. 看这张表,我们怎么称呼来自美国的人? Look at this chart. What do we call people from America? 为了使中国可以有效地与印度竞争来自美国和欧洲的外包交易,这些公司必须提高他们的CMM等级。 For China to compete effectively with India for outsourcing business from theAmericas and Europe, these companies must improve their CMM levels. 这些是一些来自加拿大的邮票,这些是来自英国的,这些呢,已经非常非常老了,它们来自美国。 These are some stamps from Canada. And these are some stamps from England. And these ones are very, very old. They’re from America. 上周,我们报道了来自美国儿科学会关于幼儿孤独症的最新建议。 Last week we reported about new advice on autism from the American Academyof Pediatrics. 后来,来自美国哈佛大学的科学家证明,通过使老鼠的胰腺细胞感染上只携带三个转录因子的基因病毒,能将其重组。 Later, scientists from Harvard University in the US showed that mouse pancreascells could be reprogrammed by infecting them with viruses carrying genes forjust three transcription factors. 有的时候,我来自美国的朋友会取笑我,说那是包,一个女人的钱包,但是我还是很喜欢它,我才不管呢。 Sometimes my friends from America will tease me that it's a purse, a woman's purse, but I still like it. 来自美国大学和突尼斯国立应用科学研究所的科学家发现,他们可以追踪混凝土内部结冰和溶化的延伸效应。 The scientists, from US universities and the National Institute of Applied Sciencesin Tunisia, found that they could track the unfolding effects of freezing andthawing inside the concrete. 六十年前,就在珍珠港事件的前79天,美国广播的第一缕声音飘过大西洋,进入了纳粹德国,那几句话是:这是来自美国的声音。 Sixty years ago, only 79 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the first Voice ofAmerica broadcast across the Atlantic into Nazi Germany, with these words: Herespeaks a voice from America. 第一是政治上领导,尤其是来自美国和中国。 The first requirement is political leadership, especially from America and China. 中国的商业银行几乎没有向美国公司和消费者贷款,这部分融资的绝大部分来自美国的银行。 Chinese commercial banks lend almost nothing to American firms and consumers– the large majority of that finance comes from American banks. 来自美国亚利桑那州立大学的科学家史蒂夫·拉夫参加了该项研究。 Research scientist Steve Ruff from Arizona State University in the US, took part inthe study 我是简史密斯,来自美国。叫我简好了。 I’m Jane Smith,from America.Just call me Jane . 虽然他坚持说对会员的选择会考虑“是否有趣”而不仅仅是财富, 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e4cb4554a16925c52cc58bd63186bceb19e8edcf.html