在美国英语怎么写 你知道在美国的英语怎么写吗?下面一起来看看吧。 在美国的英文释义: stateside in America in the USA 在美国的英文例句: 该董事在美国接受过培训。 The director was American- trained. 每一个美国作家在他的创作中,或早或迟,或多或少,总要涉及到“美国梦”的问题。这是因为在美国民族和美国文学的形成过程中,“美国梦”起到了不可替代的作用。 Because it plays an indispensable role in the forming of American nation and American literature, writers in the United States have always been probing and exploring it. 美国的左手作为加害者圈钱成功走人,得了实惠;美国的右手作为“拯救者”成了英雄,赢得美名。再由美国的写手在美国出版的杂志鼓吹美国的“贡献”、美化肮脏的左手、赞美英雄的右手。 They robbed you with their left hand, then restored you to your feet with their right hand, and ended up being promoted 1 as heroes by their own journalists on their own magazines. 由于美国反托拉斯法不仅适用于美国国内商业活动,也适用于美国与外国之间的贸易活动,故美国法院常对发生在美国境外的商业活动行使管辖权。 In view of the fact that American antitrust laws are applied to foreign as well as domestic commerce, the U. S. courts can exercise jurisdiction over certain antitrust activities outside the U. S. 这项活动上周末在美国北达科塔州「美国经销商教育俱乐部」的会议上举行。「美国经销商教育俱乐部」是美国一个高中生商务社团。 The attempt took place during a conference held over the weekend by North Dakota DECA, a high school business club in the US. 20世纪60年代以美国黑人为主的民权运动在美国国内风起云涌,唤醒了美国亚裔群体对自身权利与身份的思考,推动了美国亚裔文学创作的繁荣,也引起了学术界对亚裔文学的关注和兴趣。 Asian American literature has undergone dramatic changes since it emerged as a distinctive field in the wake of the civil rights movement in the late 1960s. 自从1995年迪斯尼乐园在美国加州诞生并取得成功以来,主题公园迅速在美国遍地开花,发展飞速。欧洲和亚洲的主题公园也在美国迪斯尼主题公园的影响和带动下发展起来。 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/040571cbb207e87101f69e3143323968011cf4e2.html