关于年夜饭英语作文150字带翻译篇1 全家人一起吃年夜饭是我们中国人的传统,也是一家团团圆圆的象征。 It's a Chinese tradition for the whole family to have dinner together. It's also a symbol of family reunion. 听着”噼噼啪啪”的鞭炮声,一道道洋溢着年味的菜上了桌。哇哦!好丰盛啊!有热气腾腾的羊肉汤、醇香多汁的牛肉、香喷喷的大盘鸡、肥美美的大鱼··· ···我闻着这些菜,不禁食指大开 。 Listening to the sound of “crackling” firecrackers, dishes filled with the flavor of the new year came to the table. WOW! How rich! There are steaming mutton soup, mellow and juicy beef, fragrant big plate chicken, fat and beautiful big fish... I can't help but smell these dishes. 不一会儿,随着”干杯!”一声,我们就开始吃了起来。羊肉在灯光下油光发亮,我一口咬下去,顿时,鲜美的味道直奔喉咙,散发出浓浓的年味。 After a while, with “cheers!” Once, we began to eat. Mutton in the light of oil light, I bite down, suddenly, the delicious taste straight to the throat, sending out a thick smell of the new year. 年夜饭是对家人的关爱,是最具有年味的了! New year's Eve dinner is the love for family, which is the most annual! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e550971fca50ad02de80d4d8d15abe23492f0316.html