幼儿园中班英语教案:认识蔬菜(Tomato、cucumber、Carrot) 活动目标: 1 了解一些常见蔬菜的名称和特征。(西红柿Tomato、黄瓜cucumber、玉米Maize, 胡萝卜Carrot) 2 引导幼儿运用多种感官感知蔬菜的特征。 活动过程: 一、复习水果Fruit T:Yesterday,we have gone to fruit’s home. We has known the apple , banana , Orange and pear, do you also remember them? S:yes! T:ok!Now let me test you !(教师出示图片,问) Please take a picture. What is this? Is this a fruit? Let the vegetables gone here to line up. All these are fruit, all these are vegetables.二、认识蔬菜 1、认识蔬菜、了解特征 T:This is ……. 1)What color is it?(在黑板上画出颜色) 2)What sample is it?(在黑板上画出样子) T:This is a tomato / Cucumber / Maize / Carrot. It is red / green / yellow / Orange. It is Round / long、Curved弯 / small、One for one一粒一粒 / long、Thick粗. Color: Sample: T:Now let us know these vegetables again. Please read after me. 2、游戏:摸摸是谁 Today, we’ll go to vegetables’s home. Look, it’s a pocket. Many vegetables in it. What vegetables inside this pocket? If you want to know ,please touch one. Who can try? 幼儿上前摸,提醒他们摸一个Touch one, Please tell us, What have you touched to? what is this? 2、游戏:我说你选择 T:Now we will going to do a game“I say You Take”. I will tell the color and sample of the vegetables , Please lift the picture of the vegetables. Other people do judgement ,If they are right please clap your hands, if they are wrong please stamp your foot . Do you understand? Ok!Who can try? 画好后提问:Please tell us ,what vegetables have you drawn? 3、游戏:谁的眼睛亮 T:Next,I want to test your eyes. I will show a kind of vegetables very fast , please tell me what vegetables this is. Ok? See clearly. 余以为:看《流言蜚语》,我们不得不思考一个问题,人的原始欲望与道德观念发生碰撞时,会做出怎样的选择?而《离婚了就别再来找我》,则给了我们一个温暖的回答。 那夜,我站在老家房屋的空坝里,听见了一些虫鸣声,这种虫鸣声音很大,完全压制住了水稻田的蛙声,几百米外都能听见。我非常好奇,想一探究竟,我拿起手机打开手电筒,用手轻轻扒开了一堆草丛,奈何杂草枝叶错综复杂、过于茂盛,草丛成了一个完美的藏身之地。不得已,我放弃了。 我转念一想,人生难得遇到这样的时刻,何不记录下这美妙声音呢?我打开手机自带的录音机,迫不及待地便按下了开始键,虫鸣声高低起伏,快而有节奏,加之远处的蛙声和一些其它昆虫的鸣叫声,再配上凉爽的阵阵夜风吹着屋旁的竹林发出的哗哗声,算得上一曲天籁之音。意料之外的事情发生了,楼顶遮雨的钢棚被吹得发出噼里啪啦的声音,扫人兴致。连续两次录音,录下的声音都不怎么理想,我索性便收起了手机,坐在地上安静地听着。 人们总是想记录下美好的时刻,看到一些怡人的风景和漂亮的女人便想拍照永远留下那一刻,这充分地说明了人是有感情的动物。我是一个不怎么喜欢拍照的人,所以留下的照片很少。其实我对自己的童年还是蛮有兴趣的,我不知道自己各个年龄段的模样。小时候家里条件不好,照相要去镇上的相馆,经常照相是不现实的。如果给我一次机会,让我拍照记录下以前童年的自己,我还是很乐意的。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e5624455a16925c52cc58bd63186bceb18e8ed57.html