家乡的春天 Spring in my hometown 我的家乡是一个山清水秀、绿树成荫的小村庄。那里四季如春,景色怡人。我特别喜欢家乡的春天。目之所及,哪里都是绿的。山间是密密麻麻的松树,大地像铺上了一层绿毯。蔚蓝的天空点缀几朵白云。山间绿树红花,鸟语花香。各色的花都得意洋洋地摆弄舞姿,好像在庆贺春天的到来。树枝上,快乐的小鸟在叽叽喳喳地叫着,使家乡变得热闹起来。 My hometown is a small village with beautiful mountains and rivers and trees. There are four seasons like spring and beautiful scenery. I especially like spring in my hometown. Everywhere you look, its green. There are dense pine trees in the mountains, and the earth is like a green blanket. The blue sky is dotted with white clouds. Among the mountains, the trees are green and the flowers are fragrant. All kinds of flowers are playing with their dances, as if celebrating the arrival of spring. On the branch, the happy birds are chirping, which makes the hometown lively. 那漫山遍野的山坡上到处是五颜六色的花,绽放婀娜多姿的姿态,显得五彩缤纷。阵阵香味,弥漫了整个树林。站在林中,我深吸一口气,一阵清香沁人心脾,令人心旷神怡。香味还招引了各色的蝴 蝶和蜜蜂,它们在花心上翩翩起舞。小花上缀满了晶莹的露珠,如同一颗颗闪闪发光的钻石项链,微风吹拂摇摇欲坠。 The hillside is full of colorful flowers. It looks colorful with graceful posture. The smell filled the whole forest. Standing in the forest, I took a deep breath, a breath of fresh fragrance, refreshing. The fragrance also attracts all kinds of butterflies and bees, who are dancing on the flower center. The little flowers are decorated with crystal dew, like a diamond necklace, which is glittering. The breeze is shaking. 树林多么会打扮自己呀,绿叶为衫,树干为裙,还穿着绣花鞋呢。我正被这位美少女所吸引,突然一条小河奇迹般地出现在我眼前,我真想捧一口甘泉,但又怕弄脏这宛如玻璃、清澈见底、纤尘不染的碧水。河里鱼儿欢快地游来游去,美丽的鹅卵石在水中闪烁着星星点点的光斑。天空倒映在清凌凌的河水里显得更蓝了;松树倒映在清凌凌的河水里,显得更绿了;五颜六色的花倒映在清凌凌的河水里显得更五彩缤纷了。 How can the forest dress itself? The green leaves are the shirt, the trunk is the skirt, and the embroidered shoes are also on. I am attracted by this beautiful girl, and suddenly a small river miraculously appears in front of me. I really want to hold a sweet spring, but Im afraid to stain the clear water like glass. The fish in the river swam around happily, and the beautiful pebbles twinkled with spots in the water. The sky is bluer in the qinglingling River; the pine trees are greener in the qinglingling River; the colorful flowers are more colorful in the qinglingling river. 小河的水真清啊!清得可以看见水底的沙石;小河的水真静呀!静得感觉不到它在流动;小河的水真绿啊!绿得仿佛是一块无暇的翡翠。 The water of the river is so clear! Its so clear that you can see the sand and stones at the bottom of the water! Its too quiet to feel it flowing; the water in the river is so green! Green as if it is a flawless jade. 置身林中,仿佛走进了连绵不断的画卷。 In the forest, it seems that you have entered a continuous picture. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e5cb15d3cd84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb636283a.html