非常感谢英文 [全麦的英文应该怎么说]

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非常感谢英文 [全麦的英文应该怎么说]

全麦的英文: wholewheat 参考例句:

I always insist on wholemeal bread

我一贯主张要吃全麦面包。I want a wholemeal salad roll with low fat spread 我想要一份涂有低脂酱的全麦色拉面包卷。What's wrong with wholemeal 全麦面粉有什么问题吗?Wholesome and hearty our Mini Banana Bread loaves are made with wholewheat flour and fresh bananas

我们的袖珍香蕉蛋糕是由新鲜香蕉和全麦面粉制成,既健康又美味。12 pieces of whole meal toast or muslin AND OR 12 pieces of fruit or fruit salad and 200gm of fat yogurt

12片全麦吐司或者(由谷类、硬壳果、乾果等与牛奶混合而成)的牛奶什锦早餐。或者:12块水果或水果色拉加200克的低脂肪酸乳酪。wholewheat是什么意思: n 全麦

Wholesome and hearty our Mini Banana Bread loaves are made with wholewheat flour and fresh bananas


