教你用英语花式表达感谢。 ♡ 日常表达 Thank you. / Thanks. 谢谢。 Thanks a lot. / Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 Thank you. That's very kind of you. 谢谢,您太好了。 Thank you. You're so helpful. 谢谢,你帮了大忙。 I really appreciate your help. 真心感谢你帮我。 I appreciate your time. 谢谢你抽时间帮我忙。 回答感谢 That's all right. 不用谢。 You're welcome. 不客气。 Don't mention it. 别客气。 No problem. 不是事儿。 It's my pleasure. / My pleasure. 乐意效劳。 The pleasure is all mine. 是我的荣幸。 感谢信 I am all gratitude. 真是感激不尽。 Thanks a million. 万分感谢。 My gratitude to you for all you have done. 谢谢你为我做的一切。 Accept my endless gratitude. 请接受我无尽的感谢。 I can't thank you enough. 怎样谢你都不为过。 I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 衷心感谢你。 I'll forever be grateful. 永远感激你。 加点幽默感 If it wasn't weird, I would have sent you a picture of myself. Because I look totally grateful. 要不是显得有点怪,我真想给你发一张我的照片:好让你看看我充满感激的脸。 Thank you (not sent from my iPhone). 谢谢(不是发自我的iPhone)。 You score phenomenally high in the kind-o-meter. Seriously, I checked. 你在好人榜上得分高得令人震惊。真的,我查过。 We have started an unofficial fan club. You should start practicing your autograph. 我们已经组建了非官方粉丝俱乐部。您老赶快练练签名吧。 a) A peach b) Bee's knees c) Cat's pajamas. You're d) All of the above. Thanks for yourbigheartedness. a.人见人爱;b.出类拔萃;c.不同凡响;你是d. 以上皆是。谢谢你的仁慈慷慨。 心怀感念,偶尔为身边的人做些什么,施予有时候更有获得感。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6758686142323968011ca300a6c30c225901f0ae.html