盘点老公送的最差劲礼物 A mother who was left cold after receiving an 'unwrapped' box of chocolates for her birthday has urged other women to share their worst present horror stories. 一位妈妈在生日当天收到一盒“拆开的”巧克力作为礼物,感觉倍受冷落。她呼吁其它女性讲出自己收到糟糕礼物的痛苦经历。 Responses ranged from stuffed penguins to Hollyoaks calendars after Mumsnet user Liz70 told how she had spent her big day 'running around after other people' - and when her husband returned home from a work meet-up he presented her with 'small bag of Thornton's chocolates'. 回复中,收到的礼物从毛绒企鹅到圣橡镇少年日历五花八门。英国育儿交流社区Mumsnet网站一位用户名为Liz70的网友说,她生日那天还“在人群里东奔西跑”,而丈夫从工作聚会回到家后居然就给了她“一小袋Thornton巧克力”。 She said the gesture had left her feeling 'undervalued and underappreciated', adding: 'I did ask if he'd also brought a bunch of flowers from a petrol station, to complete the whole "will this do?" vibe.' Liz70说这种姿态让她觉得自己“不被丈夫重视,没有被宠爱”,“我还问他有没有从加油站带一束花回来,让他知道„难道这样就行啦?‟。” She added that she didn't feel she was 'particularly materialistic' and that the couple have 'no mortgage and a comfortable amount of savings'. She had never demanded designer handbags or diamond jewellery. 她还说,她认为自己不是“那么物质”的人,他们夫妻两个“没有房贷,有一笔说得过去的生活积蓄”。她从来没有要过名牌手袋或钻石珠宝。 In a bid for moral support, Liz70 decided to start a 'sh*t birthday present from DH [darling husband] thread' - and they poured in thick and fast, with more than 400 responses. 为了寻求精神支持,Liz70决定发起一个“来自亲爱丈夫的糟糕生日礼物话题”,响应者源源不断,有400多位网友进行了回复。 Huskylover1 rushed to her defence, calling her husband's behaviour 'absolutely s***'. She wrote: 'I'd be blanking him until he grovels.' Another Mumsnetter agreed, urging her to speak to her husband about it 'rather than just seethe quietly'. Huskylover1叫嚷着丈夫的行为“简直过分”,迫不及待地要替自己出气。她回复道:“我会一直晾着他直到他跪地求饶。”另一位用户十分赞同,建议她跟丈夫说出来,“而不是把火气憋在心里”。 A user known as Minkybinkyboo revealed that her husband had bought her a harmonica and a Miranda Hart maracas-themed exercise DVD one Christmas - while she was heavily pregnant. 'It's still in the plastic,' she added. 一位叫Minkybinkyboo的用户透露,有一次圣诞节她丈夫送了她一个口琴和一张米兰达•哈特录制的沙球练习DVD,而她当时早已怀孕好几个月了。“DVD现在都没拆封呢,”她补充说。 Few women could be as unimpressed as the one who received a set of Andy and Lou figurines from Little Britain from her spouse. 从丈夫那里收到《小不列颠》里的安迪和卢的人物塑像,想必没几个女人能印象不深吧。 Scarednoob explained that while the show was 'very cool at the time', she later discovered that her husband had bought them from a colleague 'who had a lot of them to sell for a fiver'. Scarednoob解释说,虽然《小不列颠》“当时正在热播”,但后来她发现她丈夫是从一个同事手里买来的雕像,那个同事“有好多雕像在卖,五块钱一个”。 Meanwhile, one woman came up with an ingenious way of dealing with dud presents. Acasualobserver explained: 'A friend of mine on receiving a petrol station chocolate and flowers combo for her birthday, without saying a single word, put both in the washing machine and switched it on. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e87b71b2c67da26925c52cc58bd63186bceb9298.html