
时间:2022-12-29 17:02:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


The Significance of Having A Purpose in Life 赵浚洲 四川省平昌中学 高一十七班 指导教师 吴昌荣 with regard to lifes purpose, it is indisputable that having a purpose in your life has long been recognized as an important element in enabling humans to dispose of adversity and live with greater satisfaction. As John F. Kennedy puts it,Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. As far as I am concerned, a purpose in life plays an irreplaceable and vital role in your road to success. In the following context, I am going to justify my perspective from several aspects.

To start with, there is no denying that having life's purpose can change the quality of your life. People often find that when they have discovered their life's purpose and begun to live by it, their lives take on greater meaning and authenticity. They report feeling less fragmented. They feel less overwhelmed by the complexities of modern living. Their course is clearer, their decision-making easier. Furthermore, having life's purpose provides you with unique motivation to live your life in a certain way. Your life purpose should be powerful and compelling enough to drive you forward--to lead you into activities that reflect this . Regarding senior high
