英语周记400字带翻译:难忘的旅游 (最新版) 编制人:__________________ 审核人:__________________ 审批人:__________________ 编制学校:__________________ 编制时间:____年____月____日 序言 作文(composition)是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文,中学作文,大学作文(论文)。作文体裁包括:记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。 作文并不神秘,要想写好一篇文章,首先要多看,多想,勤于观察,积累素材。只有细致的观察生活,积累素材才是写好作文的基础。首先要明确你要写的主题,认真的审题,列出大纲,不要只注意题目中要求的字有多少,要多注意题目的本身,要多读多想,准确的用好词语和修饰语。这是审题的关键,要确立好主题的依据,要精心的选材,布局列题,有的材料,还要分析整理。这就要对材料进行分类,比较,概括,筛选。 我们不要象盖房子那样的把所有的材料都堆砌起来,要合理恰当的组合,具体的说开头和结尾要略写,那么经过就要仔细的推敲,修辞,润色,写好以后不要急于交稿,反复检查认真的修改。 古人说:书读百遍,其义自见。熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。这些都说明一个道理,只要你多看书,多读书对你的写作文有一定的好处。只要你明白这样的一个道理,作文就是要你把生活中喜,怒,哀,乐用文字经过加工,修饰。整理,也就是我们说的作文。 第 1 页 共 3 页 作文内容 今天,我和姐姐、爷爷一大家子一起去了平遥古城去旅游。一到古城门口,首先看到的一座高大的古城墙显得特别的雄伟、坚固,然后我们从城门进去,那儿的人非常多熙熙攘攘的非常热闹。 Today, I went to Pingyao ancient city with my sister and grandfather. When we arrived at the gate of the ancient city, we first saw a tall ancient city wall which was particularly majestic and solid. Then we went in from the gate, where there were many people bustling and bustling. 我们先去了放古代兵器的博物馆,里面有许多的刀、剑、匕首。还有玩的剑和大炮。出来博物馆,爸爸给我和姐姐买了一个格格发卡,上面有一朵大粉色花和几朵小花,特别漂亮。我赶快把它戴到头上,好像自己也成了一个小公主,美极了。 First we went to the Museum of ancient weapons. There were many knives, swords and daggers in it. And playing swords and cannons. When I came out of the museum, my father bought my sister and I a card with a big pink flower and a few small flowers. It was very beautiful. I put it on my head as soon as possible, as if I had become a little princess. It was so beautiful. 第 2 页 共 3 页 又往前走了一截,前面有个人力车照相的老爷爷,我也想照一张,然后我就和妈妈一起坐到了车上,妈妈一手抱着我,一手还把着一把小花伞,就像我们两个人坐车出远门,我高兴极了。爷爷也照了一张,车夫给爷爷戴上了墨镜,他一手拿着拐杖,一手拿着烟斗,还戴了一个西部牛仔的帽子。看着爷爷脸上笑眯眯的,开心极了。我们还看到了许多稀奇的东西。 I went a little further. In front of me was an old man taking a picture of a rickshaw. I wanted to take a picture, too. Then I sat in the car with my mother. My mother held me in one hand and a small flower umbrella in the other. It was like two of us going out by car. I was very happy. Grandpa also took a picture. The coachman put on sunglasses for Grandpa. He had a cane in one hand, a pipe in the other, and a cowboy hat. Looking at Grandpa's face smiling, I am very happy. We also saw many strange things. 我今天玩的特别的开心,出门旅游真好啊! I had a great time today. It's good to travel! 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/e9bd0f93f5ec4afe04a1b0717fd5360cbb1a8d08.html