个人简历 2017届应届生 教育背景 « 2015.10-2016.10 研究生 ****大学 本科 中国****大学(985/211高校) 全球媒介与通信传播 新闻传播系 ・ 2011.9-2015.7 « 核心课程:传播学、公共关系学、传媒经济学、广告运作实务与流程、市场营销、社会调查方法等 实习经历 2014.11-15.2 **** 网产品运营实习生北京 « « « « 与日旅会合作,负责校园活动的策划和执行,累计参与人数 2000+,活动网站总 PV 150万+,总UV 90万+ ; 参与第二期页面功能设计,构思功能模块、协助设计师完成交互设计、跟进开发团队优化需求; 负责页面整体文案,策划推广方案并执行,联络站外优质用户 21人,为站内贡献UGC内容,并积极维护增加其粘性; 负责线下18支校园大使团队的换届、招新、自主活动的组织与指导; 2014.7- 2014.11 **** « * « 游产品运营 监测海豚浏览器、Clauncher等产品海外渠道推广状况,分析评估产品日常渠道数据; 运营产品MoboPick ,包括内容运营及产品数据日报制作,结合用户需求进行产品优化创新; 配合产品经理进行新产品市场调研,协助进行 Geemobi网盟平台系统全功能测试使用。 社会实践经历? 2011.3 - 2013.1 AI****C • • • • 出境交流部志愿者方向主管 中国北京 带领3支跨校团队成功为超过 90名在校大学生匹配海外志愿者体验机会; 拓宽志愿者项目合作到 24个不同国家, 实现部门业绩 2倍增长; 6个北京高校; 在不同学校组织市场调研、举办宣讲会、招募面试参与者,使协会覆盖扩宽到 领导一个9人团队为近500个新成员筹划并成功举办北方地区迎新大会,与会成员为来自清华、北大、人大等中国北 部优秀大学的学子,会议为期 2天半。 获奖&特长 * * • * 校内荣誉 国家励志奖学金、优秀学生奖学金、校级优秀学生干部、音乐摄影等文艺类奖项若干; 语言能力 英语听说读写能力强,雅思 7.5分,CET6-623分,《****》字幕组听译成员; ? 文字审美 曾获全国新概念作文大赛一等奖、奔驰(中国)公司全国设计大赛设计师大奖; 爱好特长擅长长笛、舞蹈、吉他等,热爱摄影与旅行。曾任院迎新晚会领舞,音乐原创作品获校级奖项; •自我评价 高效工作,抗压、多任务处理能力强;热衷新鲜事物,自学能力强。Resume 2017 Fresh Graduates EDUCATIO N& QUALIFICATION -Stockholm University, Center of Cultural Policy Studies, MA Global Media and Communication (Oct. 2015 — Oct.2016) -Communication University of China , School of Literature and Journalism, Communication (Sept. 2011 ——Jun. 2015) -Core Curriculum : Advertising Operation and Practice, Public Relations, Media Economics, Social Survey Methods -Honor: Gained the National Endeavor Fellowship, Third Prize Scholarship and Excellent Student Leader, CUC INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE Operation Management Intern, Baidu, China 2014.7-2014.11 « Redesign and expand the homepage: design the functions and copies (including the former user research) « « Organize annual conference and annual big project: combine the external resources and implement activities Introduce high-quality users from other websites and promote them to create more UGC ? « Participate in the whole process of product launch: draft MRD-design-cooperate with RD&UE-test-promote « Manage the campus teams: responsible for member recruitment, election, events organization in 18 teams Product Manager Intern, Sohu Changyou, Beijing, China Nov.2014 — Jan.2015 « Monitored overseas promotion of products including Dolphin Browser, analyzed and evaluate related data ? « Assisted in product (MoboPick) daily operation, providing key stats, summaries and optimization strategies ? « Assisted Product Manager in analyzing market demand and preference for new products ? CAMPUS EXPERIENCE ? AIESEC BJTU (Customer Service Team Leader, Vice President, Global Volunteer Program), 2011.3 Run Global Volunteer Program and Lead an Entity (AIESEC BJTU) as a team, 2012.1 - 2013.12 * * * * Leaded 3 schools ' teams, attained the goal of 90 volunteers in number and assured their experience in quality Increased the number of voluntary destination country to 24, which is 200% of before Expended the organization to 6 Beijing universities by organizing promotion, recruiting and interviewing new volunteers Leaded a 9 persons ' team and organized regional induction conference for 500 delegates in two and a half days -2013.1 ABILITY ? Language: Fluent in English CET6-597, IELTS 7, TOEIC 950, Member of the Big Bang Theory Fansub Group Skills: Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, excellent writing skills,Second Prize of the National New Concept Composition D Contest and Designer Award of the BMW MINI National Design Competition. ? Hobbies: Piano, ballet, guitar, photographing. ? Self-assessmentExcellent communicator, team player and hard worker, self-motivated,curious and passionate. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ea956c1552e2524de518964bcf84b9d529ea2c0a.html