本篇文档格式为Word版,下载后可进行任意编辑 1的N次方打一成语 【谜题】:1的N次方打一成语 be expected: serious negotiations seldom take place in front of cameras. 移民夫妇双双遭到拘禁,并被驱逐出境,即使他们的子女出生在 【成语】:天各一方 日本,一家人自此天各一方。 【解释】:指各在天底下的一个地方。形容相隔极远,见面困难。 Families have been broken apart as parents of children born 【出自】:汉·苏武《古诗四首》:“良友远离别,各在天一方。” in japan have been detained and deported. 【示例】:先生此去,~,未知相会却在何日。 霍尔特的工作人员告诉大家,要时刻做好准备,孤儿院里的25名 ◎明·罗贯中《三国演义》第三十六回 孩子,有21名可能很快就要被领走,天各一方,其中有一个女孩将要 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语;形容两地相距遥远 去阿拉斯加州。 【近义词】:千里迢迢、天涯海角 The holt staff was trying to prepare everyone for the 【反义词】:近在咫尺、难分难解 possibility that twenty-one of the twenty-five children in the 【例句】: orphanage might be leaving very soon and would be living far 他们公开说,双方的想法还是天各一方,但是却值得期待,因为这apart; one girl was going to alaska. 样严肃的对话很少在镜头之下进行。 Publicly they say they are still far apart, but that is to 第 1 页 共 1 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ebe788b42b4ac850ad02de80d4d8d15abe230064.html