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雪的英文: snow

[snəu] [sno] 雪相关英文表达: bear snow 积雪

melting snow 融雪 deep snow 深雪

a heavy fall of snow 一场大雪 雪的英文例句:

1. Whenever it snows in Britain we are taken by surprise. 每次英国下雪,我们都会感到惊讶。

2. He keeps up his long - distance running whether it's windy or snowy.

刮风也罢,下雪也罢,他都坚持 长跑.

3. Snow in October is nothing strange in northeast China. 10月下雪在东北不是什么希罕的事.

4. It's so cloudy and cold that it's likely to snow. 天气又阴又冷,大半要下雪.

5. Ordinarily It'should be snowing at this time of the year. 按说这时候该下雪了.

6. We are in fear of more snow.


7. We have had incessant snowfall since yesterday afternoon. 从昨天下午开始就持续不断地下雪.

8. Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last. , 下雪了. 终于是冬天了.

9. Snow is absent in some countries. 有些国家不下雪.

10. It'snowed at intervals this week. 这星期不时下雪.

11. It'seems to me that it will snow. 我看要下雪.

12. She opined that it would snow tomorrow. 她认为明天可能要下雪.

13. The alternation of sun and snow continued for the rest of our holiday.


14. It has been snowing, roughly every third day, for as long as I've had the flu.

自从我得了流感以来,这段时间一直在下雪,大约每三天一场。 15. Our hill is marvellous for sledging and we always have snow in January.

