歌曲《Yellow》的创作背景和歌词含义 在工作和学习之余,我常听音乐来放松自己的身心。听英语歌曲可在欣赏音乐的同时,学习纯正的词句发音。要听懂和会唱歌曲,自然也要掌握歌词之间连读、弱读等技巧。长期听英语歌曲可以增加词汇量,端正发音。下面为大家推荐一首不错的歌曲。蔡健雅老师和我们新疆姑娘李文慧都有唱过哦! 歌曲《Yellow》的创作背景和歌词含义 《Yellow》是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队演唱的歌曲,由克里斯·马汀、盖·贝瑞曼、强尼·邦蓝、威尔·查平共同填词,肯·尼尔森和乐队四位成员共同制作。这首歌被收录于乐队的首张专辑《Parachutes》里,并于2000年6月26日作为专辑的第二支单曲发布。 2001年,《Yellow》先后获得了全英音乐奖的英国最佳单曲、英国最佳录像带和MTV音乐录影带大奖的最佳新人的提名。2002年,《Yellow》获得了格莱美的最佳摇滚歌曲、最佳摇滚组合的提名。 中文名称 青涩 外文名称 Yellow 所属专辑 Parachutes 发行时间 2000年06月26日 创作背景 一旁胡乱弹着吉他的主唱克里斯·马汀抬起头凝望着夜空,即兴哼出了《Yellow》的旋律,灵感迅速地冲进了马汀的大脑里。 马汀在构思歌名的时候遇到了瓶颈,他想用一个特定的词来贴合这首歌。他无意间看见当时录音室里的斯蒂芬妮的黄色皮肤,斯蒂芬妮皮肤洋溢的黄色光芒让马汀立即将这首歌被命名为《Yellow》。 歌曲歌词 Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all Yellow. I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called Yellow. So then I took my turn, Oh what a thing to have done, And it was all Yellow. Your skin Oh yeah, your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, You know, you know I love you so, You know I love you so. I swam across, I jumped across for you, Oh what a thing to do. Cos you were all Yellow, I drew a line, I drew a line for you, Oh what a thing to do, And it was all Yellow. Your skin, Oh yeah your skin and bones, Turn into something beautiful, And you know, For you I'd bleed myself dry, For you I'd bleed myself dry. It's true, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine for you, Look how they shine. Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And all the things that you do. 中文 抬头仰望繁星点点 看它们为你绽放光芒 可你所做的每一件事 却如此羞涩胆怯 追随着你 为你写下了一首歌 想着你举手投足间的胆怯羞涩 歌名就叫做YELLOW 我耗尽心力 想表达对你的爱意 却也胆怯起来 你的肌肤 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ecb68caaa22d7375a417866fb84ae45c3a35c262.html