大学生考证热大学英语作文带翻译 If you just stop student on campus and ask him what he is busy about, chances are that he will tell you he is preparing for a certificate of some kind. Investigation points to the fact that it has become a new craze for university and college students to get more certificates. 假如你只是在校内里停下来问问他在忙什么,他很可能会告知你,他正在为考某种证书做预备。调查说明,高校和高校生获得更多的证书已经成为一种新的风潮。 There are two main reasons for this phenomenon. To begin with, university and college students are faced with the pressure of finding a job after graduation. With the admission expansion of colleges, a lot more graduates have to compete for the limited jobs posts. How could one be more competitive? More certificates will doubtlessly impress the employers, so the students are compelled to run from one exam to another. Besides, more and more universities and colleges modify their education training which includes several creative credits. If students fail to get such credits, they can not graduate. As a result, most students choose to pursue certificates. 造成这种现象的主要缘由有两个。首先,高校和高校生面临着毕业后找工作的.压力。随着高校扩招,越来越多的毕业生不得不为 第 1 页 有限的工作岗位而竞争。怎样才能更有竞争力呢?更多的证书无疑会给雇主留下深刻的印象,所以同学们不得不从一个考试到另一个考试奔忙着。此外,越来越多的高校和学院修改了他们的教育培训,其中包括了一些创新学分。假如同学不能获得这样的学分,他们就不能毕业了。因此,大多数同学选择了证书。 As far as I am concerned, the students should have a more rational attitude toward certificate, because such certificates do not necessarily represent one’s ability. For me, inner ability speaks louder than certificates, which can only be compared to appearance. Opportunities only arise when you are excellent enough in your field. 就我而言,同学应当对证书有更理性的看法,由于这样的证书并不肯定代表一个人的力量。对我来说,内在力量比证书更洪亮,而证书只能与外表相比较。机会只有在你的领域里足够优秀才会消失。 第 2 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/edc284c3f405cc1755270722192e453610665b1e.html