2020人教版九年级英语书面表达 Unit 8 如何写以“推测物品归属”为话题的文章

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假设你和同学们在操场上发现了一件蓝色外套,大家在猜测外套的主人是谁。请你根据表格内容,Whose Coat Is This?为题写一篇英语短文。

人物 Carla Mary John


不可能是Mike 可能是Tom 一定是Fred 一定是Andy


对他而言外套太小了 他喜欢蓝色

他正在操场上踢足球 他昨天穿了一件蓝色外套

一.审题 体裁 话题 时态 人称 二.文章布局

开头:引出话题 There is a/an ...We don't know whose...it is. 记叙文

以“猜测物品归属”为话题 一般现在时或过去时 第一人称


三.遣词造句 词汇库

So we begin to guess who is its owner.

正文:详细描述猜测 Carla says it can't be...Mary says ...

John thinks....I believe it....

结尾定论 It must belong to...

谁的whose操场playground讨论discussion主人owner相信believe认为think/suppose然而however同意agree;反对disagree;可能can/might/may;一定must;不可能cant 短语箱

讨论have a discussion;喜欢be interested in;太...而不能too...to;属于belong to

链接句型 1. Whose coat it is?

2. It must be Carlas.=It must belong to Carla. 3. It must be Marys. J.K. Rowling is her favorite writer. 4. I think someone must have picked it up.

5. My wife thinks that it could be an animal,but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun. 6. I think it was too big to be a dog.

7. It could be a girls room because its very tidy. 8. He might be running to catch a bus to work. 四.作文模板

There is a/an ___________,but we don't know whose_____it is. So we begin to guess who is its owner. Carla says it can't be__________,because it is__________.Mary says it could be_________,that's because____________.John thinks it must be __________,....However, I believe it must belong to_______________. 五.参考范文

There is a blue coat on the playground,but we don't know whose coat it is. So we begin to guess who is its owner.

Carla says it can't be Mike's,because it is too small for him.Mary says it could be Tom's,that's because he is fond of blue.John thinks it must belong to Fred, because he is playing football with his friends on the playground.

However, I disagree. I saw Andy wear a blue coat yesterday, so I strongly believe it must belong to Andy. 课后练习1

迈克在操场上捡到一个黑色的双肩背包,包里有一本篮球杂志,几本书和一张古典音乐CD。包的主人是谁呢?请根据下面的表格提示,以“Whose Backpack is it?”为题写一篇英语短文。

人物 Ben Linda Joe Mike


可能是Jim 可能是Bob 可能是David 一定是Bob


他最喜欢黑色。 篮球是他的最爱。 他爱听古典音乐 书上有他的名字

