Sales 101 Marketing vs.Sales We have spent a lot of time on marketing Marketing: The method of introducing the market to goods and services using mailings,promotions,telemarketing,advertising,etc. We must market continuously. Now it is time to explore sales Sales: To persuade or influence to a course of action or acceptance of something. Match products and services to specific customers and needs. We must sell continuously. “Push” (Marketing) We offer lots of information and “push”it out to anyone who will listen or receive our notices. 1-way dialogue “Pull”(Selling): Find out (pull”) what they need,then match offerings?benefits to their needs. 2-way dialogue Why Do We Need to Sell? Hunters vs. Gatherers In today’s world, you must “find” customers Most low-hanging fruit has already been picked. You must be a “hunter” Characteristics of Successful Sales people Product Knowledge Honesty Professionalism Enthusiastic Good Listener Speaks my langrage Does not waste my time Understands my business/needs Others? Ways to Make Impressions 10 ways to get in front of your customizers Thank you notes for orders,referrals,continued business Short note about a positive meeting Article from magazine or newspaper Something about their competition Joke,carton,etc. Product announcement An APICS newsletter Notice of a seminar that might be of interest Special sale or offer A reminder of a pending order 1 This should be an ongoing effort Rules to Remember for Success Establish a positive attitude Believe in yourself Keep learning how to sell better Sell to help Establish long-term relationships Believe in your products and organization Be prepared! Be sincere Qualify the buyer Look professional Use humor Sell benefits not features Tell the truth Don’t put down the competition Use testimonials Listen for buying signals Anticipate objections Follow up,follow up Use the power of persistence Sell with passion and enthusiasm! Dare to be dumb... Ask questions If you do not ask,you do not get the order...... ASK FOR THE SALE!!! What the master Salespeople Say Idlers do not last long Strive for a specific goal Make them come back Believe in your product and love it Sell yourself first Honesty is the best policy Nothing happens until somebody sells something Pack your todays with effort----and extra effort Neglected customers never buy; they just fade away People don’t like to be sold----but they love to buy APICS American Production & Inventory Control Society Advancing Productivity, Innovation, and Competitive Success 2 本文来源: