林徽因经典语录英文 1、你是人间的四月天,笑点亮了四面风。 You are the April day on earth, and laughter lights up all sides. 2、火车噙住轨,过山、过水、过陈死人的墓。 Trains are stuck on rails, crossing mountains, rivers and graves of Chen's deceased. 3、冬有冬的来意,寒冷像花,花有花香,冬有回忆一把。 Winter has the intention of winter, cold like flowers, flowers have fragrance, winter has a memory. 4、一曲溪涧,日夜流水,生是种奔逝,永在离别!死只一回,它是安慰。 A stream, flowing day and night, life is a kind of fleeting, eternal parting! Death is only once. It's comfort. 5、盖房子和建筑不是一回事盖房子是把房子建起来,而建筑是一种艺术。 Building a house is not the same thing as building a house. Building a house is an art. 6、人老了脉脉烟雨愁吟或牢骚多折损诗的活泼。 The liveliness of poetry is impaired by the sorrows and complaints of old people. 7、你也要忘掉了我曾经在这个世界里活过。 You should also forget that I lived in this world. 8、这难堪的永远静寂和消沉便是死的最残酷处。 This embarrassing eternal silence and depression is the cruelest part of death. 9、那一晚你和我分定了方向,两人各认取个生活的模样。 That night you and I set the direction, two people each recognize the shape of life. 10、你是爱,是暖,是希望,你是人间的四月天! You are love, warmth, hope, you are April in the world! 11、昨天又昨天,美还逃不出时间的威严。 Yesterday and yesterday, beauty could not escape the majesty of time. 12、旬日来眼看去的都是图画,日子都是可以歌唱的古事。 Ten days have seen pictures, and the days are ancient things that can be sung. 13、我们今天所叫做生活的,过后它便是历史。 What we call life today is history after that. 14、你给了我生命中不能承受之重,我将用我的一生来报答你。 You have given me an unbearable burden in my life, and I will reward you with my life. 15、爱情是宿命摆下的一个局。短暂的瞬间,漫长的永远。 Love is a fate. Short moments, long forever. 16、是你,是花,是梦,打这儿过,此刻像风在摇动着我。 It's you, it's flowers, it's dreams, it's been here, it's like the --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 wind is shaking me. 17、我降下了帆,拒绝大海的诱惑,逃避那浪涛的拍打。 I lowered my sail, refused the temptation of the sea, and escaped the beating of the waves. 18、她笑永恒是人们造的谎,来抚慰恋爱的消失,死亡的痛。 She laughs at eternity as a man-made lie to soothe the pain of death and the disappearance of love. 19、花刺是花的沉默,颜色,她的不谨慎。她残了,委屈里没有恨。 The thorn is the silence and color of the flower, her carelessness. She was disabled and there was no hatred in her grievance. 20、我睡了,我的诗记下你的温柔,你不妨安心放芽去做成绿荫。 I am asleep, my poem records your gentleness, you might as well rest assured to bud into the shade. 21、幸福是一件多么奢侈的事,人生总是太多的遗憾,由不得你我放纵快乐。 Happiness is such a luxury, life is always too much regret, you and I can not indulge in happiness. 22、你是我种下的前因,我又是谁的果报。 You are the cause of my planting, and whose fruit I am. 23、埋下一些美好的种子,只为心安;许下一些美好的愿望,等待继续。 Bury some good seeds, just for peace of mind; make some good wishes, waiting to continue. 24、生命早描定她的式样,太薄弱,是人们美丽的想象。 Life has long defined her style, too weak, is a beautiful imagination of people. 25、从没有人说过八月什么话,夏天过去了,也不到秋天。 Nobody ever said anything about August. Summer passed, and autumn did not come. 26、就是那样地,像待客人说话,我在静沉中默啜着茶。 That's how I sipped my tea in silence, as if I were talking to a guest. 27、那一晚你的手牵着我的手,迷惘的星夜封锁其重愁。 That night your hand was holding my hand, and the lost starry night blocked its sorrow. 28、生活只是一股力,死亡是一片沉默的恨。 Life is only a force, death is a silent hatred. 29、记忆的梗上,谁没有,两三朵娉婷,披着情绪的花,无名的展开。 On the stalk of memory, who has not, two or three Aiting, dressed in emotional flowers, unknown unfolding. 30、这是一支定向的舵,你不要再费力气去扭转了。 This is a directional rudder. Don't bother to turn it around. 31、忘掉腼腆,转过脸来,把一串疯话,说在你面前。 Forget shyness, turn around and say a bunch of crazy words in front of you. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ef19c3eb68eae009581b6bd97f1922791688be93.html