
时间:2022-04-24 05:40:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. he has found new evidence of life on earth. 2. 这真的是太奇妙了。

3. it was believed that a spaceship from the Earth was taking photos of the surface of Mars.

4.继续为他的研究辩护。 5. they will see that Im not making up things.

6. However, Im afraid I cannot go as I am very busy during June. Please let me explain.

7. I am to interview some professors about the Yellow Crane Tower.

8. 因为我将在七月做一个关于他们的报告。 9. I will be exploring some places of interest there.

10. 我六月的计划排满了 11.he loved science and technology from a young age.

12.他的梦想得到了父母的鼓励 13.only three out of the 14 candidates were picked

14.中国人民会为他感到自豪。 15.he managed to live his dream.


1. Police have stepped up their search for a boy who went missed three days ago. 1. 2. Stood inside were many strange creatures with white skin and large eyes. 2. 3. Theres really no hardly evidence that aliens took him. 3.

4. While we dont dismiss the idea, were looking into other possibility as well. 4. 5. Large tracks have also discovered which people say belong to the Wild Man. 5. 6. The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walking on two feet. 6. 7. I hadnt seen him since last Monday. 7. 8. They made copies of the tracks and had them examining by a scientist. 8. 9. Scientists hope that the mystery will be solving one day. 9. 10. It is the first time that I visited the Earth. 10. 单句改错:(将来进行/过去将来+语言点) 1. Wish you are here. 1. 2. You have to wear a life jacket just in case of you fall into the water. 2. 3. The word Shangri-la first appears in a classic novel in 1933. 3.

4. Three mountains, which covered with snow, tower over the land. 4. 5. The sunshine reflects on the lakes, made them shine like diamonds. 5. 6. The surrounding forests are home for many birds and animals. 6. 7. The best times to visit Shangri-la is spring and autumn. 7. 8. I was having dinner with some friends when she called them. 8. 9. The British government would be holding a tourism festival tomorrow. 9. 10. I am about to leave, but then it began to rain last night. 10. 单句改错

1. If breathe in, they can result in illness or death. 1. 2. Though it was dark, we had to turn on some flashlights. 2. 3. She has already taken flying lessons before she bought her first plane. 3.

4. It was the most important tomb which had ever been found. 4. 5. The tomb contained much treasure than any of us had ever seen before. 5. 6. Upon they entering the tomb, the pet bird was swallowed by a snake. 6. 7. The air was hot and dusty inside that we had trouble breathing. 7. 8. I had done my homework this morning after I went to the museum. 8.

预测一:语法填空:(P17 Part A)

From 1.________ (we) recent survey of students, we have found that 53 per cent of the students often play sports. The most popular sport is basketball, 2.________ is played by 45 per cent of the students. This is 3.________ (follow) by football, which 40 per cent of the students often play. A small number of 4.________ (student) play other sports, such as table tennis.

We want to give the students more chances to get into shape by 5.________ (play) sports. For this reason, we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament, 6.________ basketball is the most popular sport in the school. Each class would have its own basketball team which would 7.________ (practical) several afternoons 8.________ week. Then on sports day, the classes could play against each 9.________. We could offer awards to the 10.________ (win) team and the most enthusiastic players. This would be a good way to build the school spirit with an activity that many students enjoy. 预测二:语法填空:(P31 B)

Since we were going to watch the sunrise in the desert early today, we decided to go to bed 1.________ (early) than usual last night. Just as we were about to turn 2.________ the radio and get into our 3.________ (sleep) bags, strong winds began to blow. We thought that the strong winds would last until morning, and that we 4.________ (not) see anything in the sky except sand during the storm. We were both upset at the news, 5.________ Toby decided that he would get up early anyway. He believed that the winds would stop and the sand would fall down to the ground 6.________ we woke up. Things went just as Toby hoped. 7.________ (get) up this morning, we found the weather was extraordinary. The sun rose, as it always 8.________ (do), in a clear sky. We sat in total silence and looked at the 9.________ (beauty) pinks and yellows of the sunrise. It was 10.________ that I would never forget. 预测三: 语法填空

Howard Carter is one of the most famous 1.__________(explore) the world has ever known. He was brave and loved to visit and explore new places. During his life, he discovered many 2.___________(amaze) things.

Howard Carter did 3.__________ go to school, but learnt to draw from his father, 4.________ was an artist. He was bright and curious 5._________ the world outside his home town. In 1891, at the age of 17, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. By 6._________1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. He 7.________(find) several important ones. Inside the tombs, he discovered 8.________ great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings. These preserved bodies 9.________ known as mummies. In 1922, he made his 10._________(much) amazing discovery of all, in the Valley of the Kings, in Egypt. ★已考内容及题型:Reading P2 (2009年完型填空)

Justin, my brother, has been missing for two weeks. Now I 31 him very much. I’m worried that

something 32 has happened to him. I’m sure he 33 that night at about 11 o’clock, because I heard him playing his favorite CD in his bedroom. But where has he gone?

Yesterday a girl named Marvies told me that 34 was once taken away by aliens(外星人) from outer space. They did some research on her. Marvies said that the whole experience was really terrible, 35 luckily they returned her home. If Justin has been taken away by aliens too, I hope they will 36 him soon.

My parents have been worrying about Justin. Soon after he was found missing, they called 37 . However, the police are not making 38 in the case (案子). They are very puzzled, saying Justin might have been murdered. Dad is

very 39 with them. He doesn’t think they are doing their job well. Mum is so worried that she 40 sleep well. I hope Justin will come home soon and tell us what happened to him. I want all of us to be together again. 31. A. dislike B. respect C. hate D. miss 32. A. bad B. good C. wonderful D. simple 33. A. came home B. went out C. fell asleep D. fell ill 34. A. he B. they C. it D. she 35. A. because B. so C. or D. but 36. A. kill B. hurt C. return D. catch 37. A. the police B. the teachers C. the firemen D. the doctors 38. A. a face B. a mistake C. a living D. much progress 39. A. delighted B. disappointed C. satisfied D. pleased 40. A. shan’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t
