关于濒危动物的英语海报80词 On Saturday, the weather is sunny, cloudless sky, a group of birds chattering in the trees,as if to we hear singing hit song.At this moment, l saw a little sparrows on our car. Father rushed the sparrow away, but the little sparrow or motionless parked in the car.Jumped up and down in a moment, my father caught the little sparrows, at this time, carefully looked at the little sparrow, its feathers have not full long, also not too will fly, onlywalking up and down on the car. I said to my father: "dad, you don't catch! We should protectanimals, not hurt them, this is wrong." Say that finish, l heard the tree sparrow kept calling, asif to say: "put a small sparrow, put it!" So my father gently sparrow on the branches, let thelittle sparrow in the nature of life freely.The sparrows on the tree one see we put the littlesparrow, chattering again, as if to say to me: "you are such a good child to protect animals." lf no animal nature, all things, there is no life, if there is no grass plants, herbivorousanimals can't live forever.Start from today, to protect the animals, love life, do a littleguardians of nature. 全世界有794多种野生动物,其中有76科300余种濒临灭绝,还有很多已经灭绝了。人们为了钱财,不断杀害它们,导致野生动物大量灭绝。直到“非典”事件发生,人们才觉悟起来.... 野生动物对我们帮助很大,例如燕子,燕子能帮我们吧田里的害虫吃掉。如果没有了它们,我们的周围就会有很多害虫,这些害虫对我们人类有很大的害处呀! 有些人认为,野生动物理应被杀掉,因为有些野生动物很危险。但我想对那些人说:没错,有些野生动物的确很危险,但它们一般多在远离人类的地方,所以我们不用害怕。而且有些野生动物也很可爱,例如大熊猫就很可爱,还有软软的绒毛。 “没有买卖,就没有杀害”这则公益广告说得真好,是的,只要人们不再去销售野生动物,就不会有人去买,更不会有被残害的野生动物了。 同学们,虽然我们现在的力量还很薄弱,但千万不要小看这力量。从现在开始,去保护野生动物吧,让世界充满和平! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f0ed05e7ae51f01dc281e53a580216fc700a5398.html