
时间:2023-03-27 09:04:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Wuzhen-The last resting-on-water town in China


Wuzhen lies at the north of Tongxiang City of Zhejiang Province, China, and at the center of the triangle formed by Shanghai, Hangzhou and Nanjing, positioning at the east longtitude of 12029 and north latitude of 3044. The town covers an area of 71.79km, with a total population of 60,000 and permanent residents of 12,000. 乌镇,地处中国浙江桐乡市北部,位于上海、杭州、南京三大城市中间,位于东经12029北纬3044’。全镇总面积达71.19平方千米,总人口为6万人,常住居民1.2万人。 The town is divided into four zones by a cross-shaped river, with the

Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal running across the town, making it the only ancient water town adjacent to the canal. The town lies on the Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Alluvial Plain, with no hills but interlaced rivers. Due to its warm and humid climate, and abundant rainfalls and sunshine, the products here are rich, making Wuzhen well-known as the town of fish, rice, and silk.


Wuzhen enjoys a history of over 1,000 years since its establishment in 872 A.D. However, according to the textual research of the Tanjiawan site, one of the important cultural relics under state protection, ancestors of Wuzhen had lived here at the New Stone Age 7,000 years ago. The ancient Grand Canal nurtured the splendid culture of Wuzhen, and the long historic accumulation endowed Wuzhen with sound cultural deposits.


Over more than 1,000 years, Wuzhen has never changed its name, address, water system of lifestyle. The traditional buildings are still well preserved after crossing so many rough years. Within the town, with a dense network of rivers and wharves, people build their houses along the river and establish markets close to bridges. Stone railings and arch bridges, arched gates across the street, imposing dwellings and







spacious courtyards, river banks and verandas are well preserved, presenting an original ecological scene of a water town in Jiangnan.


Within the town, there are now more than 40 hectares of late 19 century original buildings, and more than 100 ancient stone bridges of different shapes. It is just like a natural museum of ancient architecture. In the town, watercourses and flagstone streets extend in all directions and intercross here and there. The native residents live peacefully in their old houses by water, just like their ancestors do before a long time.


Wuzhen has become a living fossil of ancient oriental civilization for its profound history and culture, graceful water town scenery, unique-flavored delicious foods, various and colorful folk-customs and festivals. Its a kind of beauty that naturally endowed. While displaying the extraordinary charming of Chinese ancient culture and the soul of the oriental life, Wuzhen has become a disseminator of traditional culture and an emissary of the communication between China and foreign countries. 乌镇由于其悠久的历史、深远的文化、优雅的水乡风景、独特风味的美食、多种多样的民俗和节日,已经成为东方古代文明的活化石。这是自然赋予的美。乌镇在向我们展示其中国古文化的独特魅力和东方生活的灵魂的同时,也是中国传统文化的传播者和沟通中国和外国的使者。

With a good integration of history, culture, nature and surroundings, advanced and complete service facilities, warmhearted people and service team, Wuzhen deserves to be your best destination in China, no matter of sightseeing, leisure, holidays or business activities.



