
时间:2024-02-01 17:36:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1At night,the lights of the small town are like fireflies flying far away, flickering and getting darker, and the whole city seems to be shrouded in a dream. Tokyo, the ancient city, is now asleep.

夜深了,小城的灯光像远飞的萤火虫,忽闪忽闪地越来越昏暗,整个城市像笼罩在梦幻中。东京,这古老的城市,现在是熟睡了。 2The lights in Tokyo at night are really unpredictable and colorful, which makes people deeply intoxicated.

东京夜晚的灯光真是变幻莫测,五彩缤纷,让人深深陶醉在了其中。 3The night view of the world's super metropolis is also quite spectacular. The beauty of Tokyo is very diverse. Tradition and modernity, busyness and leisure, service spirit and hedonism all collide here.


4The night lights in Tokyo are illusory and flashy, and after all, there is more hope than the daytime city.

东京夜色的灯火虚幻浮华,终究比白日的城市多了飘渺的希望。 5I was in the city of Tokyo at night, standing at the other end of the hustle and bustle, and the blooming neon lights woven the beauty of the night.

