mytripto.青海作文 暑假里我和妈妈一起去青海旅游了,这应该是我人生中第一次真正的旅行。提前两天我们就迫不及待的开始收拾行李了,这次出门的时间长所以行李比较多。到了出发这一天,我抑制不住激动的心情早早的起了床,收拾好行装,恨不得马上飞到青海开始我的旅行。经过10个小时的奔波我们终于到达了青海省最著名的景点——茶卡盐湖。 刚到茶卡盐湖,映入我眼帘就是蓝天白云,青山绿水。湛蓝的天空中挂满了形状各异的云朵,有的像外太空的飞碟,有的像狂舞的巨龙,有的就像一朵棉花糖。云朵低到好像一伸手就可以摸到,真想摘一朵带回家。茶卡盐湖的面积很大,大到一望无际,湖水清澈碧绿,可以清晰的看见水下面的盐巴。好奇的我正想舔一舔,导游告诉我这是工业用盐不能吃的。碧绿的湖水和洁白的盐巴融合在一起就像春姑娘身上嫩绿的裙子。湖边上就是层銮叠嶂,延绵不断的卓尔山脉,它就像忠诚的战士一样守卫着美丽的家乡。伸手抓一把盐撒向空中,洁白的盐粒就像雪花一样飘落在湖水里,湖水荡起了一圈又一圈的波纹。再配上湛蓝的天空和洁白的云朵这样的风景让人如痴如醉,流连忘返。 这次的旅行让我看到了大自然的美丽和神奇。这些将是我成长中最美好的回忆。 英文: In the summer vacation, my mother and I went to Qinghai together, which should be my first real trip in my life. Two days in advance, we can't wait to start packing, this time out for a long time, so more luggage. On the first day of departure, I could not restrain the excitement to get up early, packed up, and could not wait to fly to Qinghai to start my trip. After 10 hours of travel, we finally arrived at —— Chaka Salt Lake, the most famous scenic spot in Qinghai Province. Just arrived at Chaka Salt Lake, greeted my eyes is the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and clear waters. The blue sky is covered with clouds of different shapes, some like an outer space flying saucer, some like a wild dancing dragon, some like a cotton candy. The clouds are so low that they can reach out, and they really want to pick one and take it home. Chaka Salt Lake area is very large, as large as the endless, the lake water is clear and green, you can clearly see the salt bar under the water. Curious, I was trying to lick it, the guide told me that this is industrial salt can not eat. The green lake and white salt blend together like the spring girl body pale green skirt. On the lake is the rolling peaks, the continuous Zhuoer mountains, it is like a loyal soldier guarding the beautiful hometown. Hand out to grab a handful of salt scattered into the air, white salt like snow falling in the lake, the lake swung 本文来源: