龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 如梦令聚念师恩 作者:邱宗锋 来源:《校园英语·下旬》2016年第04期 秀峰碧水依旧,会聚曾经学子。 岁月任蹉跎,忆师暖若桑梓。 孔子,孔子,吾师亦荫弟子。 Reunion for Gratitude to Our Teachers Hills do not change, nor does the water. Reunited are the students ever. Time passed, leaving nothing remembered, But our teachers warm the mind, with home town together. An ancient man named Confucius Has been said to love, as do our teachers. 乌夜啼 花开廿年 盛夏相约桂林,喜满襟。挥袖相别廿年,断愈亲。 青涩逝,不惑至,忆留痕。 酒醇情浓言欢,心无尘。 Ode to the 20 years In Guilin this summer we’ll meet, Happily is the mind filled indeed. Twenty years ago we parted, sadly waving sleeves. The longer we didn’t answer, the more we missed. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f2012db8ab00b52acfc789eb172ded630a1c981f.html