
时间:2022-03-23 22:34:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


in月、年the ng/afternoon/eveng/a wek表示时间 ②on具体某一天(几月几日)/某个假期( Day) at具体某点时间、某个假期( Fsival/the wekend i street

表示方位 o road/leftright a the rossingsto/某个具体的地点 in th ree(不是树上长出来的) on he tre(树上原来自己长出来的) 表示时间: ago( 以前) late( 以后) before (在 以前) after( 以后) 练习题

1 the fist ay ________ school ________ the cool playgoud 3 _________ c**ses

4 _________ Wensday __________ fam 6 pull _________ carrots 7 a lot _______ ft tres 8 lve _________ a tow 9 ________ te weekend 1 _________ th sitting room

11 ________ the 4h ______ November 12 ok _______ thm 13 _________ th plyground 14 _______ he cool hall 15 ________ e Year

16 tal _______ his sudents _______ holidas 17 _________ Christa Day

18 h big ch _________ m family 19 dres _______ _________ cstues 2 _________ Sptember or Otober

孩子们刚刚进入小学,会英语周围环境和身边同学的变化而需要一定时间来适应。而且进入小学以后,学习的科目慢慢增加。 小学一年级英语小故事 题目:猜猜我是谁

uess ** I Am I am lack and wieI giv mlk.Guess ** m.I s me, he owI he red b。I lay egs.Guess ** I am.It s me, te enI et ay. an un very ast.Guess ** I am.It me, the hrse!I h curly ti. lik md.Guess ** I am.t s me, th pig! bury oes.I se casGues ** I mIt s me, te do!I give woolI ay baa Gues ** amIt s m, he seep!I h horns.I et nything。Guess ** I am.I s e, the bill ot!I feed everyone in the famGues ** I am.I s e the arer!W ar ll members of tis ar fmly



1。介词语法讲解及练习题英语语法详细解析 2.小学五年级英语语法讲解:介词 3.英语介词of用法总结

4.英语介词知识介绍:介词的固定搭配与灵活搭配 5英语介词to的用法总结
