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当下, 英语是国际上最为重要的交际工具, 深受国人重视。店铺整理了简单的旅游英语口语带翻译,欢迎阅读! 简单的旅游英语口语带翻译一

如何表示旅游祝愿 第一句:Have a nive trip! 旅途愉快!

A: Next week I'm going to Hawail for my holiday. 下周我要去夏威夷度假。 B: Have a nice trip! 旅途愉快!

第二句:Good luck! 祝你好运!

A: I'll visit Disneyland with my wife and children a couple of days later.


B: I hear that there are often a lot of people there at this time of year.


A: Oh, really? I hope there are not too many people then. 哦,是吗?我希望我们去的时候人不是很多。 B: Good luck! 祝你好运! 知识延伸:


Have a good trip!/Have a good journey! 旅途愉快! May you have a wonderful journey! 祝您旅途愉快! And a safe landing! 祝您平安到达! 简单的旅游英语口语带翻译二


第一句:I want to visit some historic sites. 我想参观一些历史名胜。

A: Where do you plan to travel? 你打算去哪儿旅游?

B: I want to visit some historic sites. Can yousuggest some places for me, please?

我想参观一些历史名胜。请问,你能给我推荐一些地方吗? A: How about visiting the Great Wall? I hear theGreat Wall is one of the eight wonders of the world.

去参观长城怎么样?我听说长城是世界八大奇观之一。 第二句:I want to see beautiful scenery. 我想看看美丽的风景。

A: I want to see beautiful scenery. 我想看看美丽的风景。

B: Why don't you go to the beach? You can enjoy fishing, boating and swimming.

你为何不去海边?你可以享受垂钓、划船和游泳的乐趣。 根据自己兴趣的不同,旅游时可选择不同景色,如历史古迹historic spots、名胜古迹places of interest 或文化遗址cultural relics 等等。



第一句:I prefer a package tour. 我喜欢组团旅游。

A: Do you like a package tour to travel alone? 你喜欢组团旅游还是独自旅游?

B: I prefer a package tour, and we don't have toworry about accommodation, meals and sort oftrivial things. And you?

