family relationship家庭成员关系集合中英双语版

时间:2022-03-26 11:02:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
great grandparents: 曾祖父(爷爷s father+曾祖母(爷爷s mother)& 外曾祖父(奶奶s father)+外曾祖母(奶奶s mother

great grand father: 曾祖父(爷爷s father/外曾祖父(奶奶s father) great grand mother: 曾祖母(爷爷s mother)/ 外曾祖母(奶奶s mother

grand parents: (fathers father)+ (fathers mother)& (mothers father)+ (mothers mother)

grandfather: 爷爷(fathers father)/外公(mothers father) grandmother: 奶奶(fathers mother)/外婆(mothers mother) parents:爸爸(father+妈妈(mother) father: 爸爸(also called 父亲 mother: 妈妈(also called 母亲)

uncle: 伯伯(fathers elder brother/叔叔(fathers younger brother)/舅舅(mothers brother)/姑丈husband of ones paternal aunt/姨丈(husband of ones maternal aunt) aunt: 姑妈(fathers sister)/姨妈mothers sister/伯母wife of ones fathers elder brother/婶婶(wife of ones fathers younger brother)/舅妈(wife of ones mothers brother)

brother: 哥哥(elder brother+弟弟(younger brother) sister: 姐姐(elder sister+妹妹(younger sister) sibling:兄弟姐妹

brother in law: 哥哥、弟弟 & 嫂子、弟妹 sister in law: 姐姐、妹妹 & 姐夫、妹夫

cousin: 堂兄(elder brother who is ones paternal uncles son)/堂弟(younger brother who is ones paternal uncles son)/堂姐(elder sister who is ones paternal uncles daughter)/堂妹(elder sister who is ones paternal uncles daughter)/表兄(elder brother who is ones paternal aunts son, or ones maternal uncles son, or ones maternal aunts son)/表弟(younger brother who is ones paternal aunts son, or ones maternal uncles son, or ones maternal aunts son)/表姐(elder sister who is ones paternal aunts daughter, or ones maternal uncles daughter, or ones maternal aunts daughter)/表妹(elder sister who is ones paternal aunts daughter, or ones maternal uncles daughter, or ones maternal aunts daughter)

cousin in law:堂嫂(wife of the elder brother who is ones paternal uncles son)/堂弟(wife of the younger brother who is ones paternal uncles son)/堂姐夫(husband of the elder sister who is ones paternal uncles daughter)/堂妹夫(husband of the younger sister who is ones paternal uncles daughter)/表嫂(wife of the elder brother who is ones paternal aunts son, or ones maternal uncles son, or ones maternal aunts son)/表弟妹(wife of the younger brother who is ones paternal aunts son, or ones maternal uncles son, or ones maternal aunts son)/表姐夫(husband of the elder sister who is ones paternal aunts daughter, or ones maternal uncles daughter, or ones maternal aunts daughter)/表妹夫(husband of the elder sister who is ones paternal aunts daughter, or ones maternal uncles daughter, or ones maternal aunts daughter)

father in law: 岳父(wifes father/公公(husbands father) mother in law: 岳母(wifes mother)/婆婆(husbands mother) wife:妻子(also called 老婆)

husband丈夫(also called 老公) son:儿子

daughter in law:儿媳(sons wife) daughter:女儿

son in law: 女婿(daughters husband) granddaughter

grandson: 孙子、孙女、外孙、外孙女

nephew & niece: 侄子、侄女、外甥、外甥女

newphew in law & niece in law: 侄媳、侄女婿、外甥媳妇、外甥女婿
