金泰儿童智能手表品牌故事 曾经,我有一个比小5岁的弟弟,小时候,我们经常一起快乐的玩耍、无忧无虑。1990年1月15日,我那可爱的弟弟突然失踪,母亲整日以泪洗面,父亲踏上漫漫寻子之路,可是20年的漫长岁月过去了,弟弟至今仍杳无音讯,生死未卜。往事如烟,物是人非,父母在去世之际仍然挂念着弟弟,带着未了的心愿撒后人寰。大学毕业后,我一直从事高科技研发工作,开创了自己的事业,我心中却总有一个遗憾。为了纪念唯一的同胞兄弟金泰,我精心研发了一款能够保护儿童的产品,品牌就是KINGTAB,正是弟弟名字的英语拼写。我真心希望自己研发的这款产品能在儿童领域有所贡献、提供帮助,让这个世界少发生些像我这样骨肉分离的悲剧,我就心满意足了。 The Story of Kingtab Children’s Smart Watches I had a brother who was 5 years younger than me. When we were still kids, we used to play together and be carefree. On January 15, 1990, my little cute brother suddenly went missing. Tears bathed my parents’ cheeks, and my father started to seek my brother. However, 20 years passed, we still don’t hear any good news about my brother. Things changed, and people changed. My parents could not stop thinking about my brother even when they were dying. After graduation, I have been working on high-tech, and started my own career. I always have regret about my brother. Thus I made this Kingtab children’s smart watch in memorial of my brother, Kingtab, which can protect children from being harmed. I really hope that this product can help children, and prevent children from being taken from their family. This is all I want. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f4c9a1e16237ee06eff9aef8941ea76e58fa4abc.html