
时间:2022-09-18 01:16:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD班级里的玩具熊IWhere is teddy bear? My class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted. We think Ted needs abed. We make a bed for Ted.

My class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted. We think Ted needs ahouse. We make a house for Ted.

My class has its own teddy bear. His name is Ted. We all take care of Ted.We think Ted needs a hat. The class likes this idea. We make a paper hatfor Ted. We think Ted needs its arm fixed. The class likes this idea. Wefixed Ted

' s arm.

We think Ted needs a bed. The class likes this idea. We make a bed forTed. We think Ted needs a house. The class likes this idea. We make ahouse for Ted. I think Ted needs to go home on the weekend. The classlikes this idea. I take Ted home with me.

国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD 泥浆 1 Mud, mud, mud

Mud is soft, mud is wet. A pig likes mud. A pig rolls in the mud.The mud helps keep the pig cool. A frog likes mud. A frogsleeps in the mud. The mud helps a frog hide from its enemies.A water buffalo likes mud. A water buffalo stands in the mud.The mud helps keep bugs away. A rhinoceros likes mud. Arhinoceros has a mud bath. The mud helps protects the

rhinoceros from the sun. What else likes mud? 国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD 长毛哈里 1 Hairy Harry

Thesearegrass seeds.Grassseedsgrowintograss. Whatmakesseedsgrow into the plants? Make a hairy Henry and find out. You will need soil,water,jar, shovel old stocking. gloves, grass seeds, scissors. Cut of onepair of stocking. Put the seeds in the top of stocking. Put the soil in thestocking. Make the soil into a head shape. Type under of the stocking. Putthe stockingin thejar of water. Keepin thewater to keep it wet. Aftertwo weeks, grass start to grow. Look at the hairy Henry now.

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国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD动物园地图1 zoo map

Rain and Kelly went to the zoo. They looked at the zoo map.They choose which way to go. Rain and Kelly went to see the lions.What did they see on the way? Tigers, seals. Rain and Kelly went tosee the kangaroos. What did they see on the way? Alligators,flamingo, hippos.

Rain and Kelly went to see the bears. What did they see on the way?Elephants, monkeys, vulture,zebras. Which animals do you like tosee at zoo? Open the page to see the zoo map. Look at the zoo map.Can you find your way to see these animals? How would you getthere?

国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD青蛙有条黏舌头1A frog has a sicky ton gue A frog has a sticky tongue and a frog has big eyes. What elsehas big eyes? A tiger has big eyes and a tiger has whiskers. Whatelse has whiskers? An otter has whiskers and an otter has web feet.What else has web feet? A penguin has web feet and a penguin hada beak. What else has a beak? An ostrich has a beak and an ostrichhas a long neck. What else has a long neck? A giraffe has a longneck and a giraffe has a horn. What else has horn?

A goat has a horn and a goat has hairy body. What else has ahairy body? A moth had a body and a moth has wings. What elsehas wings? A bee has wings and a bee has a stripe. What else has astripe? A lion fish has and a lion fish has spines. What else hasspines? A echidna has spines and a echidna has a sticky tongue.What else has a sticky tongue? A frog has a sticky tongue.

国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD天空是什么颜色的IWhat color is the sky? It is the middle of the night. The sky is black. It is early in themorning. The sun is rising. The sky is orange and yellow. It is noon.The sun is high in the sky. The sky is blue.

国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD水、陆地和空气 Water, land and air

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This is what the earth looks like from space. Can you see howblue it is? The blue part is water. The earth is mostly water. Peopleneed water to live. Can you see the brown and green parts on theearth? The brown and green parts are land. Only part of earth island. People live on the land. Air is all around the earth. You can it ' s there. People breathe the air. Water, land aanirdare allthings that people need.

国家地理儿童百科提高级配套 CD学校的现在和过去School today and long ago. My great-great-grandpa lived a long time ago. When he went toschool, he carried his books in his hand. I carry my books in my bag.When my great-greatgrandpa went to school, his classroom lookslike this. This is my classroom.


grandpawenttoschool,hesatawoodendesk.Isatonmychairatmydesk.Whenmygreat- great-grandpa went to school, he wrote with chalk, he

wroteonaslate.Iwritewithepencil,Iwriteonpaper.Whenmygreat-great-grandpa went to school, he likes his teacher. I like myteacher, too.

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