陈述句专项知识点总结 一、 陈述句的概念 陈述句是陈述一个事实或者说话人的看法。它包括肯定句和否定句两种。陈述句在书写时句末用句号,而在朗读时则用降调。 如: I’m a student. I like dogs. I’m not a teacher. 二、陈述句的句子结构以及用法 1) 在英语中,陈述句由主语、谓语、宾语三个部分组成。 主语一般包括人称代词:I ,you, he ,she .物主代词:this, that, 等。 谓语一般就是动词:be动词:is, are, am和助动词:do, does和行为动词:like, eat 等 例如: Mr. Walker is an Englishman. (华克先生是英国人。——肯定句) He is not an American. (他不是美国人。——否定句) 宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者。 举个最简单的例子吧:I love you.I 是主语,动作的发出者。love是谓语动词。you是动作的对象,承受者,所以you是宾语。 宾语由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任。当然,也可以由一个句子来充当,称之为宾语从句,所以一个句子中不一定只有一个宾语. 2)否定句的表达方式基本上有下面的两种。 (1) 使用否定词“not”, (2) 例如: (a)be,have为主要动词,例如: I am not a good swimmer. (我不是一个游泳的好手。) I have not much money. (我没有很多钱。) He has not many friend here. (在这里他没有很多朋友。) 解说:“be/have +not”常缩短成一词,尤其是日常谈话更是如此。 例如: You aren't a friend of his, are you ? (你不是他的朋友吧,是不是?) He isn't my brother. (他不是我的兄弟。) 下面例句是“have not,has not”的缩略形。 例如: I haven't a headache. (我没有头痛。) (b)be,have为助动词 You aren't going to go to her birthday party, are you? (你不打算参加她的生日宴会,是不是?) It isn't raining outside. (外面没有在下雨。) 动词带有助动词“will,shall,can,may,must,need,dare,ought to,used to,had better”等时,将“not”置于助动词与主要动词之间。 例如: I will not do it again. I won't do it again. (我不愿意再做这种事。) The old man cannot find his way home. (那个老人找不到回家的路。) I couldn't sleep last night. (昨夜我无法入睡。) You ought not to swim in the river. (你不应该在河里游泳。) You had better not tell her everything. (你最好不要样样事情都告诉她。 注:“can”的否定形式是“cannot / can't”,不可写成“can not /cann't”。 (d)使用助动词“do”的否定句 一般动词的否定句通常使用助动词“do”,句式如下:do(does, did)+not + V(原形动词),例如: I don't know her very well. (我并不很了解她。) He doesn't like Chinese tea very much. (他并不很喜欢中国茶。) She didn't come to school this morning. (今天早上她没有来上学。) Don't believe him. (不要相信他的话。) 注:“have”表达“有”以外的意义时,其否定句通常使用助动词“do”, 例如: Usually I don't have (=eat) breakfast on Sunday morning. (通常星期天早上我不吃早餐。) She doesn't have (=drink) coffee for breakfast.(她不把咖啡充作早餐喝。) We didn't have (=enjoy) a good time there yesterday. (昨天我们在那里玩得不愉快。) 不过美式英语“have”作“有”的意义使用时也如一般动词使用助动词“do”, 例如: I don't have brothers. (我没有兄弟。) We didn't have time enough to finish the work. (我们没有足够的时间完成那件工作。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f7837eb87f21af45b307e87101f69e314232fac5.html