七夕情人节歌曲 七夕节以牛郎织女的民间传说为载体,表达的是已婚男女之间不离不弃、白头偕老”的情感,恪守的是双方对爱的承诺,随着时间演变,七夕现已成为中国情人节。 适合七夕情人节唱的歌 《最重要的决定》 《王妃》 《如果这就是爱情》 《我可以抱你吗》 《可不可以不勇敢》 《Marry Me》 《荷塘月色》 《他夏了夏天》 《向阳花》 《我最亲爱的》 The Beatles《I Want To Hold Your Hand》 Oh please, say to me. You'll let me be your man. And please, say to me. You'll let me hold your hand. Al Green《Let's Stay Together》 I'm so in love with you. Whatever you want to do is all right with me. Cause you make me feel so brand new. And I want to spend my life with you. Bee Gees《How Deep Is Your Love》 I believe in you. You know the door to my very soul. You're the light in my deepest darkest hour. You're my savior when I fall. Mariah Carey《My All》 I'd give my all to have. Just one more night with you. I'd risk my life to feel. Your body next to mine. Taylor Swift《Love Story》 Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all that's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess. It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes". 节日来历 七夕节的来历与民间流传的牛郎与织女的故事有关,它最早的渊源可能在春秋战国时期,如《诗经·大东》:“跤彼织女,终日七襄。虽则七襄,不成服章;睨彼牵牛,不认服箱。”还有明代罗颀《物源》曰:“楚怀王初置七夕。”不过那时候的七夕,是祭祀牵牛星、织女星,并无后面的故事。直到汉代,其细节才与牛郎织女的故事联系起来,并且正式成为属于妇女的节日。如东汉应劭撰的《风俗通》载:“织女七夕当渡河,使鹊为侨。”又如《西京杂记》载:“汉彩女常以七月七日穿七孔针于开襟楼,俱以习之。” 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f78835a158fafab068dc0260.html