绿意盎然是什么意思 绿意盎然的意思: 鲜花盛开,春意盎然。 英语翻译 Green 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;用于描写春天 【词性】中性成语 【近义词】春风得意、春色满园 、春意盎然 【反义词】春寒料峭、春意阑珊 双语例句 植被覆盖的土地依然绿意盎然,暗蓝色的点状分布为水源。 Plant-covered land is still green and water is dark blue. 它是一种用色彩斑斓的人工或者自然草本植物做成的移动式草地,从高尔夫场的绿意盎然到网球场的满地铺红,组织成一张东方地毯。 It’s a movable meadow made of various colours and types of artificial and natural grasses, from golf green to tennis red, arranged to resemble an Oriental rug. 斯特鲁加茨基兄弟虚构了一个潘多拉星球,而电影《阿凡达》正是以这个绿意盎然森林丰茂的星球为背景,甚至卡梅隆为它取的名字也叫潘多拉。 It was the Strugatskys who came up with the planet Pandora – the same name chosen by Cameron for the similarly green and lushly forested planet used as the spectacular backdrop to Avatar. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/f81ceb327075a417866fb84ae45c3b3567ecdd18.html