历史我铭记 未来我书写

时间:2022-07-08 19:45:05 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



I was born on September 3rd.Its also the day to commemorate

the 70th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism. It is a remarkable and memorable day.

70年前,当我们面对法西斯列强的入侵,我们奋起抵抗,牺牲了千千万万的同胞,我们是不会忘记他们的。70 years ago, when we faced with the invasion of the fascist

troops, we had to fight against them, and thousands of Chinese were sacrificedin the war. We will never ever forget them.

如今,我们过着幸福的生活,我们应当缅怀他们的功劳,记得他们为我们祖国和人民所做的一切牺牲。Now, we are living the happy life, we should remember what

they have done, and remember all the sacrifices they made for our country and our people.

未来,我们要努力学习知识、科学、技术,用我们的知识来武装我们的头脑,保家卫国,不让自己的祖国和人民再一次遭受屈辱。In the future, in order to arm ourselves, we

must study hard knowledge, science and technology, andprotect our country fromthe humiliationagain.


Remember, remember, the 3 of September,a very special day for all Chinese people. We should create a bright future for our country.

