
时间:2022-05-15 05:49:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



1.好久不見。 It's been a long time. 2.你還好吧。 How have you been? 3.你去那兒了? Where have you been?

4.你都在做些什麼? What have you been doing? 5.很高興又見到你。 I'm glad to see you again. 6.你一點都沒變。 You haven't changed al all. 7.你看起來氣色不錯! You look great! 8.你是不是瘦了? Are you losing weight? 9.你變漂亮了。 You've become so beautiful.


1.不早了。 It's getting late.

2.我必須告辭了。 I have to go now.

3.跟你見面很愉快。 It was nice meeting you.

4.希望能很快再見到你。 I hope to see you again soon. 5.代向家人問候。 Please give my regards to your family. 6.請多保重。 Take care of yourself. 7.要保持聯絡呦! Keep in touch!

8.有空打個電話給我。 Give me a call sometime.

9.再找時間聚一聚。 Let's get together again sometime.


1.有人在家嗎? Hello! Anyone home?

2.請進。 Please come in. 3.請坐。 Please sit down.

4.要喝點什麼嗎? Would you like something to drink? 5.請不必拘束。 Please make yourself at home. 6.你家很不錯。 I like your house.

7.很高興聽你這樣說。 I'm glad to hear that. 8.真高興你來! How nice of you to come! 9.謝謝你的招待。 Thanks for inviting me.


1.你是哪裡人? Where do you come from? 2.你覺得台灣怎樣? How do you like Taiwan? 3.你是來渡假的嗎? Are you here on vacation?

4.你來台灣多久了? How long have you been in Taiwan? 5.你去了台灣哪些地方? Where have you been in Taiwan? 6.你習慣這兒的生活嗎? Are you used to the life here 7.你喜歡這兒的食物嗎? Do you like the food here? 8.你要在台灣待多久? How long will you be in Taiwan? 9.祝福你假期愉快! Have a good time!


1.這個真好吃。 This is delicious. 2.嗯!MmmmmmMmmmm

3.真是太好吃了! This tastes great! 4.我好喜歡吃。 I love it.

5.真香啊! The flavor is awesome. 6.令人垂涎三尺。 It's mouth-watering. 7.吃再多都不膩。 I can never get enough. 8.要我整天都吃這個也行! I could eat this all day! 9.你真是好廚師。 You are a wonderful cook.


1.感謝你的好意。 Thank you for your kindness. 2.我欠你一次恩情。 I owe you one.

3.我怎樣能報答你呢? How can I repay you? 4.你真是天降福星。 You are a godsend.

5.我非常感激。 I'm very grateful.

6.衷心地感激你。 Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 7.非常感謝。 Thanks a lot.

8.你人真好。 That was nice of you. 9.我真的很感謝。 I really appreciate it.


1.哇啊! Whoopee!

2.真是太高興了。 I'm so happy. 3.真是好消息! That's good news! 4.歡呼! Yahoo! Oh boy!

5.簡直不敢相信! It's too good to be true! 6.太過癮了! I feel like a million dollars! 7.太棒了! Yeah!

8.從來沒這麼高興過! I've never been this happy! 9.心情真好! I feel great!


1.! Oh, Heck!

2.都泡湯了。 It went down the drain. 3.太過分了。 This is too much for me. 4.可惡! Shoot!

5.只差那麼一點! I almost made it! 6.真是可惜! What a pity!

7.真是討厭! That's disgusting!

8.我無法再忍耐了。 I've run out of patience. 9.再也無法忍受了! This is the last straw!


1.你怎麼了? What's the matter? 2.你還好嗎? Are you OKay? 3.怎麼了? What's going on?

4.誰令你生氣了? Who are you irritated with? 5.!真可憐。 Oh! Poor thing.

6.我了解你的感受。 I know how you feel. 7.很難受吧。 It must be tough for you. 8.這是常有的事! It happens!
