批判教育学视野下的美国多元文化教育——访美国加州大学洛杉矶分校Peter Mclaren教授

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洛杉矶分校Peter Mclaren教授


【期刊名称】《全球教育展望》 【年(),期】2012(000)003

【摘 要】"多元文化主义"产生于二战以来的各种社会变革思潮,旨在促进跨越种族、宗教、国家的文化理解和文化宽容,其概念被广泛地使用于各个学术领域,包括历史的、政治的、教育的等等。Peter Mclaren教授是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校教育和信息研究学院的教授,他被誉为批判教育学的领军人物之一。近年来,Mclaren教授主要运用马克思的政治经济学,并与诸多学者和社会人士合作,积极致力于美国以及拉美地区的多元文化教育运动。Mclaren教授访问我所之际,笔者有幸与其主要就美国多元文化教育的历史发展过程以及批判的多元文化主义的核心内容进行探讨和交流。%Multiculturalism stems from various ideological trends of social reforms after the Second World War,aiming at promoting cultural understanding and cultural tolerance among different ethnics,religions and countries.Peter Mclaren is a Professor in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies,University of California,Los AngelesUnited States.He is known as one of the leading architects of critical

pedagogy.In recent years,Prof.Mclaren has been devoted to multicultural education movement in the U.S.and Latin America with other scholars and communities by using Marxs theory of politics and economics.During Prof.Mclarens visit in the Institute of Curriculum and Instruction,the

author was honored to have an interview with him on the history of American multicultural education and the core arguments of critical multiculturalism that he supported. 【总页数】6(P7-11,18) 【作 者】郑蕾

【作者单位】华东师范大学课程与教学研究,上海200062 【正文语种】 【中图分类】G571.2 【相关文献】


