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1. “I know right 我知道,对吧?

Popular among eager-to-please 20-somethings this phrase sounds innocuous but is actually pretty awkward.“It asks a question that the other person may not know whether or not to answer.

Since you’re asking them to affirm something they just said using this can make the other person in the conversation confused and it can make you look like you don’t know what to say” explains Winfrey. Opt for a simple “Oh yeah” or just receptive silence instead.

这句话在急于取悦别人的20多岁的人中很流行,它听起来无伤大雅但是实际上非常尴尬。它附带的问题让其他人不知道回答还是不回答。你让他们确认他们刚刚说的东西,用这句话会让谈话中的其他人感到困惑,而且这也会显得你似乎不知道该说什么。” Winfrey解释道,试试简单的一句“Ohyeah”,或者保持彬彬有礼的沉默。 2. “You’ll be fine.” 你会没事的。

Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine but chances are he or she will think you’re a bonehead. When something bad happens to someone we care about we want to make them feel better. We want to make the situation better so we tell them“You’ll be fine.” Unfortunately this is dismissive and sends a clear message that you aren’t interested in listening to them. Even if this isn’t at all what you want to say this is your message when you use these words saying nothing is better than using this aggravating phrase.

也许听你讲这句话的人确实会没事,但是可能情况是:他或她会觉得你是个傻瓜。当有什么不好的事情发生在我们关心的人身上时,我们想让他们感觉好一点。我们想让情况变得好一点,所以我们告诉他们,你会没事的。不幸的是,这句话很冷漠,它清晰地传达出一种信息,你没兴趣听他们诉说。即使这不是你想表达的意思,但是你使用这句话时,你传达出的就是这种意思,不说话也比说这个令人恼怒的话要好。 3. “I think you should...”
