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Master of Science Programme in Financial Engineering

Application Form

A. 个人资料Personal Particulars

姓名必须与身份证档所列相同 The name given below should be the same as that printed on your identity document

中文姓名Name in Chinese________________ 中文电码 (如适用) C.C.Code (if any)______________ 英文姓氏 Surname in English ______________ 性别 Gender Male


英文名字 Given name in English____________________

出生日期Date of birth____/____/____ (// dd/mm/yy) 国籍Nationality_______________________

出生地Place of origin____________________

户籍(只适用于内地申请者) Family register (for Mainland applicants only)__________________ 身份证号码 (如适用) Identity Card no.___________________________

若您不是中国身份证持有者,则请提供您的护照号码。若获得录取,需在注册时出示此文件原件以核实身份。If you do not have a Chinese Identity Card, please provide your passport number. If you are admitted, you MUST present the same document for verification of your identity during registration.

护照号码Passport No.___________

通讯地址 (中文) Correspondence address in Chinese

(英文) Correspondence address in English 联络电话号码Contact phone number(s) : __________________(住宅 Home) ___________________(手机Mobile) 电邮地址 E-mail address_______________________

_ Skype 账号:

B. 学历Academic Qualifications


Awarding university and country

文凭/学位 主修/副修 Dip/Degree Major/Minor


修读模式* Mode of study*

修课地点 Location of study

修课日期 Date of attendance (mm/yyyy) From To From To

颁发日期 Date of award (mm/yyyy)

学位等级/均成绩** Honours/GPA

From To

*修读方式:例如全日制,兼读制,遥距授课 Mode of study: e.g., full-time, part-time, distance learning

**学位等级/平均成绩:例如二级甲等荣誉、3.5/4.080/100Honours/GPA: e.g., second class upper division, 3.5 out of 4.0, 80 out of 100.

C. 专业资历Professional Qualifications


Professional qualification

简称 Abbreviation


Awarding institution/Country


Date qualified (mm/yyyy)

D. 工作经验Work Experience

机构名称及所在地 Institution and location

职位 Position

全职/兼职 Full-time/Part-time

日期 Date



E. Others

1) 本人由下列途径知悉所报读之研究院课程:

I learned about this postgraduate programme from the following channel(s):

电邮 Email

网页 Website CUHKSZ 网页 本课程网页

微信 WeChat 中国研究生招生信息网 CHSI 校联网 BBS

宣讲会 Information Seminar

老师/同学推荐 Teachers/ students recommendation 其它 (请注明) Others (Please specify) ______

其它 (请注明) Others (Please specify)_______________

报纸/ 电视/ 电台 (请注明) Newspaper/ TV/ Radio (Please specify) :

F. 声明Declaration

1. 本人授权香港中文大学(深圳)使用本人之数据,以查询有关本人在香港中文大学(深圳)及其院校之就读纪录。

I authorize The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (below “the University”) to use my data to carry out checks on my application for admission and records of my previous studies in the University and other institutions. 2. 本人明白有关资料或会转交香港中文大学(深圳)部门作审核、联络、行政及策划之用。

I understand that the data may be transferred to other units within the University to facilitate verifications, communications, operations and planning. 3. 本人明白在注册后,有关数据将转为学生纪录,香港中文大学(深圳)可将该等纪录按其规定用于与本人学业相关之一切事宜。

I understand that, upon my registration in programme, the data will become part of my student record and may be used for all purpose relating to my studies in accordance with the procedures of the University. 4. 本人同意放弃查阅咨询人所填写之机密推荐书之权利。

I agree to waive my right in accessing the confidential recommendation from my Referees.

5. 本人明白香港中文大学(深圳)或会要求本人提供补充资料或证明文件,以协助审核本人之入学申请。

I understand that I may have to provide additional information or documentary proof in support of my application according to request from the University. 6. 本人谨声明在本申请表及附件中提交之数据均属正确,并无遗漏,并明白若填报之数据失实,本人之入学申请及修业资格将被取消。

I declare that the information given in support of this application is true, accurate and complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will result in disqualification of my application and subsequent enrollment in the University.

_____________________________ 申请人签署Signature of applicant


_________________________ 日期 Date

- 请将填妥的申请表格, 连同所需数据提交到: 深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道2001号香港中文大学(深圳)诚道楼 金融工程硕士项目 办公室, 邮编:518172

Please submit the completed application form together with supporting documents toOffice of the Master of Science in Financial Engineering Programme, Chengdao Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2001, Longxiang Blvd., Longgang District, Shenzhen, P.R. China, Postal code518172

- 我们也建议申请者把申请表扫描成PDF文件寄到: We also recommend you to scan the form and send to: &
