How to make a mooncake? 如何做冰皮月饼? 一、将纯净水加入冰皮月饼粉中 Step 1: Pour the water into the flour and mix. 二、 用手搓至光滑有弹性。(建议力气小的女生用手掌去压,压平叠起来再压,反复操作) Step 2:Knead the dough until it’s smooth and flexible. ( Suggestion:Little girls can use palms to press the dough, till the dough becomes flat, then folded it,press,repeat until it becomes smooth and flexible.) 三、三十克的皮,二十克的馅。 Step3:30g dough,20g filling. 四、将月饼皮取一半搓成均匀的长条,将揉好的月饼分成十等份,切条。 Step4:Roll dough into long strips, then cut each strip into ten equal pieces. 五、将玉米粉撒在台面上,防止冰皮月饼脱模时粘在台面及模具上。 Step5:Sprinkle the corn starch on the cutting board to avoid sticking. 六、取一个月饼面团压成薄片,将一个馅团放置月饼薄片中心,一手固定皮和馅料,一手将月饼皮捏起来。 Step6:Flatten the pieces into 1/4” thick strips. Put the filling on the middle of strip, fold the dough over the filling. 七、将包好的月饼揉搓定型。 Step7: Close the top, make your mooncake into a ball. 八、将搓好的月饼球放入模具,轻轻往里按压一下,然后倒置过来,一手用力握住模具的两端,一手握住推杆顶部,往下压停留5-10秒。然后将月饼推出模具,月饼就做成了。 Step8:Press the “ ball” into the mould lightly, flip the mould, put the mould onto the table,press the rod 5-10 seconds to make the shape. Press the rod all the way down to release the mooncake. 九、轻托起压好的月饼,放入盒子内,贴上封条。 Step9:Put the mooncake into the box and seal it. Done! 本文来源: