——教学资料参考参考范本—— 【幼儿教育】最新创意经典诵读:外国人的三字经 ______年______月______日 ____________________部门 1 / 3 外国人的三字经 人之初 性本善 性相近 习相远 are naturally good. Men at their birth,Their natures are much the same;their habits become widely different.苟不教 性乃迁 教之道 贵以专 If follishly there is no teaching,the nature will deteriorate.The right way in teaching, is to attach the utmost importancein thoroughness. 昔孟母 择邻处 子不学 断机杼Of old, the mother of Menciuschose a neighbourhoodand when her child would not learn,she broke the shuttle from the loom.窦燕山 有义方 教五子 名俱扬Tou of the Swallow Hillshad the right methodHe taugh five son, 2 / 3 each of whom raised the family reputation. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/fc76b592e97101f69e3143323968011ca300f799.html