Bella 3A Break Break away 突然离开,脱离;强行逃脱,挣脱 【体】摆脱;甩开;突进;抢跑 突然改变;放弃;背离(+from): break away from outworn rules and regulations. 打破;毁掉;破除vt. 制服;压倒 vt. 坍塌;坏掉 vi. (计划等)失败,不成功 (在健康、精神方面)(使)垮掉;(使)感情上失去控制 把……分类:The chronicle(编年史) break down into three major parts. 使分解;被分解 打成平手;得失相当;不赢不亏 (怒火等)爆发;(声音等)迸发;忽然呼喊起来:The crowd broke forth in cheers. 训练: break a horse in 使(新物件)经使用逐渐合用: break in a new pair of shoes 破门而入;闯入 打断;插嘴:Don’t break in when he is telling a story. 开始活动、工作:He broke in with us last year. 打扰;打断:break in on their conversation 闯入;破门而入 突然……起来:break into cheers 打断;占用时间等 (使)断开;折断:The mask(桅杆) broke off/ was broken off. 突然停止讲话:I don’t know why he broke off in the middle of a sentence. 突然停止;终止;中断:break off diplomatic relations with 绝交;断绝友好关系:break off with sb 暂时歇手;休息 【海】偏离 (战争等)突然爆发;突然出现 (因感情冲动而)发作:break out in curses 被突然布满(+in):break out in a cold sweater (冷汗) 突然逃跑;逃脱:break out of the cells/ a dilemma 【海】把(舱内货物)移到舱口待卸 Break down Break even Break forth Break in Break in on/ upon Break into Break off Break out Break short Break through Break up Break with Bella 3A 【海】破土起锚 <口>把什么取出或准备好以供使用 把……分门别类列出 悬(旗) 使突然终止 突围 vi 突破;冲破 vt. (尤指在知识或技术领域)取得突破性进展;获得(初次)成功 打碎;拆散;破碎:Break up the whole into pieces. The ship broke up on the rocks. (被)分解;(被)分离;(使)离异;(使)关系破裂 散开;消散;解散;驱散: Break it up!(解散!) 终止;结束;(学校等)期末放假:The meeting didn’t break up until noon. 变得衰弱;(精神、士气方面)衰颓,垮下去 (天气)突变,变坏 <口>使苦恼,使心烦意乱 <口>使大笑 与……绝交 破除;摒弃;背弃:break with a bad habit 本文来源: